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  1. Weedoozie

    what would you do with....

    Yo, I've used the vaporizer remains and only vaporizer remains to bake goodies and they tasted good and at the same time, they got me high
  2. Weedoozie

    Anybody Want To Double Their Yield?- Desertrat's Top and Prune?

    Aw man, its very true. My greenhouse outdoor garden is in the only place I can have it on my property and that is on the coast of Northern California. My garden can get quite cold, windy, foggy, and wet but when those nice days come, my plants go through serious growth spurts. Although I know my...
  3. Weedoozie

    Whadda you think about this?

    Very nice, has a slight metallic glimmer
  4. Weedoozie

    How to carry weed on a domestic flight

    Before I medical marijuana patients could carry their medicine on airplanes, I hid mine in my pants :) I'm a girl so I used girl tools.::2 panties and 1 pad::.cut pad through the middle to stuff in a vac-sealed 1/2oz, stick between 2 pairs of panties and wear on plane:hump: worked like a charm...
  5. Weedoozie

    bong water in fert. tea?

    I think urine is better
  6. Weedoozie

    Weedoozie's 1st (ADVICE WELCOME!)

    Oh wow, thank you so much for that link Pablo! It really cleared up some ripeness questions I had But darn, I probably should wait a couple weeks to harvest my girls then...Aw man I hope they're ready by my birthday, July 29th!
  7. Weedoozie

    Has anyone seen a strain do this?

    The same thing happened to my indoor bagseed clone that I threw outside in my greenhouse to experiment on in order to see if the strain could survive in my outdoor greenhouse environment....these are pictures of what occurred:
  8. Weedoozie

    bonsai marijuana

    Here is a few links to LST threads: The Great RIU LST Thread. Low Stress Training can you slow down vertical plant growth? heres a great one: Lst
  9. Weedoozie

    Weedoozie's 1st (ADVICE WELCOME!)

    Nice, I'm so glad I've waited because new white pistils just sprang up in random spots all around the buds I thought I would chop earlier Now they are going get a little bit bigger :)
  10. Weedoozie

    Weedoozie's 1st (ADVICE WELCOME!)

    I managed to get my friends camera with my loupe to take some better trichome pictures than my camera could so here they are They could come down this weekend :mrgreen: what do you think?
  11. Weedoozie

    Weedoozie's 1st (ADVICE WELCOME!)

    Hey peoples! I just got my hands on a big thing of phosphoload for free from a friend of mine but I'm unsure if I want to use it on my girls because they're so close to harvest. I've been using the Earth Juice line for the majority of their lives and I was thinking that it would be...
  12. Weedoozie

    First Grow - How's it lookin'?

    Looking much better, good work!
  13. Weedoozie


    Hey RIU, I got a big thing of phosphoload for free from a friend of mine but I'm unsure if I want to use it on my girls (1st grow, 10th week flowering, indoor, CFL, bagseed, soil, link in sig) because I'm trying to grow organically so I don't have to flush them. I've been using the Earth Juice...
  14. Weedoozie

    Weedoozie's 1st (ADVICE WELCOME!)

    I thought because they are organic that I didn't have to flush them! Nice, this saves me time I have been giving my girls Earth Juice grow at half the amount of bloom but I guess I should add a bit more grow for N? I hadn't realized that my leaves are yellower because of that, I just thought...
  15. Weedoozie

    If the November bill gets passed, what does that mean for us growers?

    And what about L.E.A.P.? Law Enforement Against Prohibition is blazing a trail in California for the passing of Prop 19
  16. Weedoozie

    Weedoozie's 1st (ADVICE WELCOME!)

    Thank you! But I decided against chopping down for the 4th of July I've got some updated pictures, they are so close yet I don't want to be hasty, I want to have them be at their peak when I chop
  17. Weedoozie

    Weedoozie's 1st (ADVICE WELCOME!)

    :hump: flushing out for 1-2 weeks, started yesterday The ones with more dead leaves, less white pistil hairs, and FIMmed 4 top main colas are pictures of GG and the pictures of buds with a fat main cola and more white hairs still is of Fedora and 1 picture of a clone I got from her (smallest...
  18. Weedoozie

    Weedoozie's 1st (ADVICE WELCOME!)

    Thanks man, that is so nice of you! I'm glad to know that my pictures have an audience I just started flushing the girls out and since they are organic, they should be ready in 1-2 weeks or even less than a week depending on how they look. The trichs look so close to done but there are still...
  19. Weedoozie

    Weedoozie's 1st (ADVICE WELCOME!)

    hehe thank you! Will keep it up because I'm a girl with a lot of love for my plant daughters :)
  20. Weedoozie

    Weedoozie's 1st (ADVICE WELCOME!)

    Thank you very much yo! I have a small idea why there are so many dead leaves and I think just a combination of the bagseeds genetics and the fact that they are so close to harvest so the buds are sucking up all the nutrients in the leaves as well as the soil. I just began flushing them out, I...