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  1. Weedoozie

    question about day length and re-veggin

    awww why must we abort our she males? Can't we just move the she/he's to the wilderness, far, far away?
  2. Weedoozie


    Lol seriously, living in the SF bay area is such a privilage and honor. My family actually moved from the middle east to this gorgeous location. I must say the bay area is one of the most beautiful places in the world Berekely and Marin both have amazing views!:bigjoint: I've lit up at Grizzly...
  3. Weedoozie

    Autoflower CFL Closet Grow: Big Devil & Fast Bud Fem

    I agree with meangreen69, a fan can do wonders for us indoor growers You're going to want to fatten those stems up too because then they'll be better able to hold up FAT buds :)
  4. Weedoozie


    I beg to differ, my friend:
  5. Weedoozie

    Which size pot will i need to get the best of yield out of lowryder#2

    I've got some 3 gal. pots, though I've heard 5, 10, 15 are better!
  6. Weedoozie

    question about day length and re-veggin

    she's beautiful
  7. Weedoozie

    Low-Wattage CFL Growers!

    Awesome! Here are a some pictures of my 2 girls, Fedora and G.G who I have growing under many different watt CFL's indoors, mostly organic, EarthJuice, bagseed, 9 weeks veg at 18/6, 1 week 12/12 flowering so far Full details are in my grow journal here on RIU, LINK IN MY SIG!
  8. Weedoozie

    mite infestation, 2 weeks from harvest, HELP!

    As long as there is food to eat (i.e. spider mites, etc.), ladybugs will stay and eat them...
  9. Weedoozie

    Low-Wattage CFL Growers!

    OH SWEET! Then, I'll be joining this group as I'm using a bunch of different watt CFL's that total more than 150 watts
  10. Weedoozie


    oh man, i could never get my cross joints to work properly:dunce::oops:
  11. Weedoozie

    question about day length and re-veggin

    Interesting that they are still flowering, even with the interruptions! I'm with this, sub'ed
  12. Weedoozie

    Low-Wattage CFL Growers!

    I agree with johnnytsmitw, this group would have more people in it if it were a micro CFL grow thread I want to be apart of it but I'm at 265watts!
  13. Weedoozie

    California MMJ Patients, Raise your hands!!!

    Yo Cali MMJ patients! I am also legal, and I'm with Cali chronic on this one: I was legit before I bought my first bulb I got a doctors recommendation in 2008 when my doctor and I finally figured out that my insomnia, extremely painful menstrual cramps, and lower back pain could all be helped...
  14. Weedoozie

    does my clone need help

    I agree with datkid because the same thing happened to me so I say give it time and do keep it warm and moist like datkid said
  15. Weedoozie

    im just posting a picture of my babies...

    1 week and that photo look about right to me good work
  16. Weedoozie

    hermie week 5 in flowering?

    couldn't you remove the balls?
  17. Weedoozie

    hermie week 5 in flowering?

    don't all hermie seeds produce hermie/male offspring?
  18. Weedoozie

    first time ready for some criticism

    aww they are very cute little girls good job!
  19. Weedoozie

    Bagseeds under Cfl's.........

  20. Weedoozie

    Bay area clone only!

    GDP, yo! In other words, Grand Daddy Purple! I have seen some growing in a valley in Marin