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  1. Weedoozie

    Spider mites

    Yes, i neglected to mention that you must release the ladybugs right before turning the lights off, or before darkness because at that point in the day, the ladybugs find the closest vegetation for shelter and look for food there too. They will eat the mites for dinner. If you release the...
  2. Weedoozie

    mite infestation, 2 weeks from harvest, HELP!

    how can your infestation be past nature?
  3. Weedoozie

    Spider mites

    LADYBUGS YO I'm surprised more people don't know about the wonder of ladybugs in a cannabis garden. They eat spider mites, aphids, and many more tiny insects that are harmful to your plants. Ladybugs don't eat or damage your plant either, they live in them and just eat all the nasty buggies you...
  4. Weedoozie

    Weedoozie's 1st (ADVICE WELCOME!)

    Thank you and I agree dude, if you are around your grow enough times a day so you can position the lights in relation to plant growth, you should be able to produce some nice bud with CFLs, I've seen may successful grows doing this on RIU
  5. Weedoozie

    Weedoozie's 1st (ADVICE WELCOME!)

    Thank you! They are quite rich in color
  6. Weedoozie

    mite infestation, 2 weeks from harvest, HELP!

    DUDE GET SOME LADYBUGS!! they eat all that shit (spider mites, aphids, etc.) and protect your plants so you don't have to stress out your girls with mite killing additives if you do get ladybugs, release them as you're starting dark period because at that point in the day, ladybugs land and...
  7. Weedoozie

    A test... Flowering with CFLs

    :cry: I'm very sad I don't get to see the results of this experiment :( where are you OP?!
  8. Weedoozie

    My First Grow 2 x 150watt CFL 15 Pictures!!!

    if you have one/get one of those nifty pH water testing kits, you can just test the pH of your plants drain water these are efficient because you can also use the kit for your plants drinking/feeding water
  9. Weedoozie

    3 way cfl??????????help

    um...i do believe that you pair them like the lowest watts with the lowest lumens, etc.
  10. Weedoozie

    Closet CFL - Custom breed

    cool man, looks like you've successfully bred cannabis:clap:
  11. Weedoozie

    hermie on first grow!!!

    I agree! ....Oh I wonder wonder whom I do I who, whats in that wonder ball?
  12. Weedoozie


    for sure, it really helped me :)
  13. Weedoozie


    bending happens as a result of the pinching, you shouldn't be forcing your plant by bending because theres more of a chance of breaking the plant tissue in a way that it won't be able to repair itself
  14. Weedoozie


    no i wouldn't make a bend, i would pinch the stem, like this:
  15. Weedoozie


    I didn't top mine, I used the supercropping method if you don't know what that is, its basically when you pinch your plants stems until you hear a slight pop and then leave it to heal itself. It will, if it survives (which it should), grow stronger and have thicker stems. I did this to my main...
  16. Weedoozie

    3 weeks of 12/12 and 1 week of flowering and it finally burst through

    Hey man, your plant looks an awful lot like my bagseed indoor CFL growing plant that I named G.G. heres a few photos of my girl:
  17. Weedoozie

    WTF new RollitUp?

    I have no idea what I did or if this change happened on its own but Rollitup has been sending me email notifications of all the threads I have posted in that have had replies...I'm not sure if I want this but I can see how it is helpful
  18. Weedoozie


    It was smart of you to wait 3 weeks before separating them because they now have a better chance of surviving/being females then if you had separated them earlier on
  19. Weedoozie

    how do i change it back!!!!

    no, you can't change it back as far as I know
  20. Weedoozie

    producing CO2

    I've heard of people keeping pets in the growing room but separated from the plants like by cage or fence or something in order to have an ongoing oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange