Helluva job Kiki...great great work...mine is in two weeks...looking forward to hopefully as much as you got (fingers crossed). Thanks for letting me bum along on your thread...great read top to bottom your a helluva grower.
Yea shit forgot to take pics yesterday...busy day. The spider mites do suck balls but they have a perpetual garden going so it's not like they can stop for a week and really give these bastards the proper death squad they deserve..So it's a slight PITA but with work it will be...
yea at some point but I'm also convinced that an aero cloner of some sort would be ideal..even if it's homemade...too many variables for my liking with the cubes.
PS thank you for that kind offer of sending clones..much appreciated hun.
OK...so I"ve been really really busy..on top of my busyness my net went down for a good 3 days..but I"m back...
The main girls are doing great...Sat maked week 4 of flowering another month or so and I should have my first harvest....so far I have to say I think I'm going to be very happy with...
yea people I used to hang out with were big clubbers so they acutally knew Pauly D when he was just a local Dick..err Disk Jockey...they send he was a buffoon then and still is.
well I'm glad you have such a high opinion of our little state...of course that's an assumption but I take it if you picked the college you must've at least kinda liked it here.
Hey all just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten about the pics..no internet for the last 3 days now..I think it's been quite some time..at any rate I have a gillion emails from this forum to catch up on but I"ll get everything up tonight/tomorrow morning..thanks for being patient...
Pics later today after I resize them
So in total I lost 5 clones out of 12...I probably could have gotten at least one more but they really are quite the shitty little clones. Hopefully my next round of clones (if these things even make it that far) I'll hopefully have some lovely...
Hey kiki..sorry to hear about the Hubby...but I will say this whole "chopping dark" is an interesting concept...maybe you could do half your harvest normally and the other half wait..don't know if you can stand the excitement though hehe.