no yellow spottings so far. its blooming now...growin kinda crooked after the lightbulb ambush.
i think she feels a lil lonely without her babybrother though :(
allrite, the small one is a dude. gotta dispose of him right quick
Hydra is gettin rootbound and is not growin anymore
all is goin well. all is goin as planned
whats good? whats happenin?
i just thought i should mention i got these blueberries in my growspace. interested? no? ok...
ima show you anyways moahaha!
the first one up is called Hydra at a young age. call her that cause she got two heads after i topped her :P (first time topping too)
as fo your "argument" he said "get it" as in get yourself a fan. you see it, you get it. problem solved
for the stem, you can bend it a couple of times a day or pinch it. and yeah, you'll need that fan too. get it..... oops hahaha humour