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  1. leeny

    Ladies you think im hot when high? rate me 1-10

    I'll vote! okay, you have kind eyes, and a nice smile if your eyes are actually blue than I'll give you an 8. the only problem was the hair, but that can be tamed with a good comb. (I'm a little bias, I also thought Fez was hot, it's the indian thing, lol)
  2. leeny

    On average, how much do you smoke per day?

    you just mapped out my smoking routine to a 'T':shock::hump:
  3. leeny

    cotton mouth????

    UNTHINKABLE!!! there is always some liquid! lol
  4. leeny

    So I just launched my 2 footer at a cement wall...

    glad you had fun with it! ~cheers!~
  5. leeny

    my computer hydroponics software needs a name

    well, please let us know what you finally decide to name it! ;)
  6. leeny

    What light cycle ?

    you serious? cus I'm taking all this literally right now and maybe I'm ignorant but... WOW...:confused::peace::joint::D
  7. leeny

    What do you think?

    let her know I'm sorry... and feel her pain :(
  8. leeny

    What do you think?

    not enough oxy gets me high it very well could be but I've never tried it so tell me how it goes if you do try it
  9. leeny

    would you read this?

    if it was about that statement.... no. I've simple read enough different theories on subjects such as that. they're all different in some way and if I can't go to those different dimmensions I don't give a blank about them. they'll have fun and so will I. love
  10. leeny

    What light cycle ?

    ouch what was he banned for? posting wrong? dude, sorry I don't know, go to the growers
  11. leeny

    my computer hydroponics software needs a name

    "Dro Grow"? (D&G) lol I'm such a lady
  12. leeny

    What light cycle ?

    i think 12/12? ask the growing threads,
  13. leeny

    smoking a male experiment part 2

    dawg, you sound like a weed snob. you also sound like someone who makes fun of people who accept the placebo effect. I thought the weed smoking community accepted all walks of life and valued having fun intelligently with whatever you do. you make me embarrassed to call myself a weed smoker. and...
  14. leeny

    smoking a male experiment

    well I'll be excited to hear the results! hugs and stuff
  15. leeny

    smoking a male experiment

    well this is good to know! I'm no bud snob so when money's tight this sounds like a good alternative :)
  16. leeny


    dude, I think all these people are wrong about this one...(sorry folks) of course my info is def. shaky lol, I've heard it does work and that it is supposed to give you a more intense high because it is directly into the bloodstream. just try it! no harm no foul! and good luck
  17. leeny

    AK's Cannabis Cookbook

    awesome chef! I'm not into desserts but love cooking Italian and other savory foods! can't wait to see more :D
  18. leeny

    green vodca recipe's

    i this good for any alcohol? I can't take vodka...and it makes me take my clothes off :/
  19. leeny

    hmmmm...little lighting question

    thanks guys, exactly what I needed to know
  20. leeny

    Share Your Stories

    this next story is about the first time I got high..... now granted I had smoked before, but this time me and my friend had gotten some of the best dro we could find in our town. so with no knowledge of smoking, a folded up piece of foil, a lighter and our baggie we decided to head to the...