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  1. F

    The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

    Perry with an A baby. Rick Parry!
  2. F

    the consequences of gay marriage

    who are you people to be making other peoples choices and judging them. that affect you in no way? make your own not theirs. its america don't like gays go live under a rock away from them. its your right to remove yourself away from them just as it is theirs to choose who they love and have sex...
  3. F

    the consequences of gay marriage

    i hope you gaybashers offspring are weed hating homos.
  4. F

    the consequences of gay marriage

    your position on this is the same reason weed is still illegal.
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    the consequences of gay marriage

    does it matter as long as they're happy? being "gay" shouldn't be looked at as inferior to being "staight".
  6. F

    3 Word Story

    inside him erect
  7. F

    the consequences of gay marriage

    shit improves my odds.
  8. F

    3 Word Story

    hes always gay
  9. F

    Do you ever get the feeling something BIG is about to happen?

    Peak oil and shit Economies scare me
  10. F

    Fuck the Police I got away

    all you assholes telling me how to live my life and telling me how to run and how not to run. and WHY I SHOULDN'T RUN. i'll send you my fucked ass tickets and fucked up ass bullshit next time you fucking fags. the systems not perfect. i got away Scott free. sounds like your stupid. make your own...
  11. F

    3 Word Story

    you guys suck
  12. F

    3 Word Story

    that was lame
  13. F

    Fuck the Police I got away

    biggest rush ive had in quite a while
  14. F

    Anyone here been caught, but didnt go to Jail?

    in certain states they can charge you by the potency of your drugs.
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    Fuck the Police I got away

    that's exactly what i'm saying.
  16. F

    Fuck the Police I got away

    There was various things that i took into consideration. I was right.
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    Fuck the Police I got away

    all they need is "probable cause" which is up the the cop to "decide".
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    Fuck the Police I got away

    shit most of yous guys are some dam debbie downers. good looks for the people with positive advice.
  19. F

    Fuck the Police I got away

    fuck that don't wish shit like that on me nigga
  20. F

    Fuck the Police I got away

    yea they don't need a reason thats why i dipped