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  1. H

    New member: first time closet grow

    things seem to be going alright the two that are larger are drooping its top leaves i dont know what this is about but im hoping they arent dying
  2. H

    humidity question

    okay helpful input from both. im growing from seeds but i hope i can clone in the future i might make a pebble tray in time for now spraying seems to help a good amount but i have to spray alot to keep humidity from droping below 30.
  3. H

    New member: first time closet grow

    so ive put another box under the tray holding the plants. this morning temps where around 73 with the humidity around 30% they both went down soon as i opened it about 30 min to vent but not by much. im doing my hardest not to water them cause they look so thirsty! but im gonna wait till...
  4. H

    humidity question

    okay thanks, what i use for pots since they are just seedlings are cardboard like jiffy pots (round) with diameter about 4 in. I do believe i have waterd to much but already so im trying to avoid doing this. they are all siting in a tray. i know the mist spray bottle helps boost humidity but...
  5. H

    humidity question

    I read a very long post from somebody that said humidity when starting the seedling and vegitative state can help when you boost it up to 70-80 is this true? i spray my little babes about 5 to 7 times a day and the humidity remains around 35 it gos up while im spraying but doesnt last long. i...
  6. H

    Cracking Seeds TO help Faster Germination?

    hi there im a first time grower myself. i used the wet paper towel method to germ. it takes about 2 days for the root to come through, about a day or 2 tops for it to push through the soil after planting. just take some TP rolled up get it damp and fold your seeds in between place it in a empty...
  7. H

    New member: first time closet grow

    thanks for the link that helps im gonna rise the plants closer to the top right now, prob with books or something. so all lights are closer
  8. H

    New member: first time closet grow

    im happy i got a response so quick :) no i got those two 1600's in the light fixtures with the round reflectors around them and they are siting higher at the top of the box. i have an extension cord hanging in the middle with three plug in outlets each with a 880 bulb in them. these smaller...
  9. H

    New member: first time closet grow

    please keep in mind this is my first attempt at any growing. ive watched a neighbor tend to his own stealth grow in a dresser and now im lookin into it myself due to the fact that i live far from town and have came across alot of free time. i have been around forums, watched alot of videos and...