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  1. P

    2nd Grow Bubba Kush, ak47 and More

    Dude i feel ya, been freaking the last few days.... And did you your power go out about 30 minutes ago??? Im gonna for sure be buying a window ac for my back room, which has both my Veg and Flower room attached to it, but ill make it 70 in tis bitch
  2. P

    Another Cargiver question..

    This whole statement only further proves you are borderline retarded.....if not 100% full on retard. Shame on you....
  3. P

    Why AzCS might not be all about compassion......

    I do have many issues, but at least im not a fucking moron. Have fun getting money raped for weed cuz you;re to stupid to do know better...... im going to go to my homies house, buying a zip for 220 and come home and smoking myself "dense" as you say...... have fun with what ever tragically...
  4. P

    Why AzCS might not be all about compassion......

    how about you gets some Rep and a higher post count and see what happens.... If you make friends on this board THE RIGHT WAY, you will never have an issue with over paying again i dare say.......Also just grow your own, its so fucking easy. And i know people selling 200OZ to im...
  5. P

    Why AzCS might not be all about compassion......

    That is one of the most short sighted, ignorant statements i have ever ever. And I know idiots from all over the world. Well done. Complaining about the costs is what will get the costs down for you, you fucking idiot..... If we ALL are ok with over paying, they will ALWAYS over...
  6. P

    Why AzCS might not be all about compassion......

    That is the same warped logic that North Korea uses "Its our country we can fuck our people any way we want too.!!!!!!" LOL you're dumb.
  7. P

    1000w 2 plants SCRog, -PITBULL- 1st timer^^

    here they are with the screen back on top, i just wanted to re adjust them a bit, they were growing into the screen oddly:) i feed the half a gallon of Nutes , and will gives them another half each.
  8. P

    1000w 2 plants SCRog, -PITBULL- 1st timer^^

    Ya i watered then 5 minutes before that pic was taken^^ ya its always sad when they look like that:(
  9. P

    1000w 2 plants SCRog, -PITBULL- 1st timer^^

    That comments made me curious as to what my planst would look liek sans screen..... and since i was running out of run in certain places and had to much in others, i decided to move the screen and adjust the plants a bit. they are BUSHY AS HELL!!..:)
  10. P

    First Grow - 2 x 1000w

    Number 1? Or...... Number 2?
  11. P

    400W, 5 Plants, Indoor, First Grow

    will i need a dehumidifier?? Or is Arizona gonna take care of that for me?? With out my Evap cooler is only 20% at best.
  12. P

    Lucius Vorenus is a petty drug dealing, scammer.

    <3 you guys... thanx for keeping the faith and keeping out the trash. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^Ya its like that!^
  13. P

    2nd Grow Bubba Kush, ak47 and More

    looking super fresh man well done^^^ And doam ma also they are Tall and pretty, that room must smell liek candy:) Question...are you having 2-3 degrees room temo increases last few days I have and i thinkit the central ac not being on as much because fof teh rain etc......i need a window ac asap.
  14. P

    Beanz 2.1 400w Bare-Bulb Vertical Plushberry - True OG - Pre98 Bubba Kush Grow

    Ya man dogs will eat Tweekers and robbers....but i have never seen a dog other than a terrier or Heeler (not pitbull terriers) eat a rat. But cats ARE prissy, they see that rat and its like the very presence of the rat offends them. They sharpen there claws and torture the rat the way a rich...
  15. P

    Lucius Vorenus is a petty drug dealing, scammer.

    But oh ya i forgot, just because i smoke weed i have to be some live and let live peace-nik hippie...... well im not like that sorry. LOL @ foolish hippies that think anyone adverse to them is an angry hate monger...touchy pussies.
  16. P

    Lucius Vorenus is a petty drug dealing, scammer.

    Im passionate about people not getting screwed over by scammers..... that makes me a good person not a bad one. Just because i think AZCS is a shady ass place only trying to mislead people and over charge them, and because i think LV is just a middle man drug dealer...doesnt make me some crazy...
  17. P

    Beanz 2.1 400w Bare-Bulb Vertical Plushberry - True OG - Pre98 Bubba Kush Grow

    Wow man, that is a super cooler... well done. And ya FUCK east side rats.:( fuckers are so hard to need a cat or two man, im telling you. Go don to the shelter and grab a cat or two, no more rat issues. And they arent bad for hair as long as you aren't a sloppy fuck, and your shit...
  18. P

    Hello I'm running for Miss High Times :))

    I also take bong hits in my undies alot...however the visual would make you sick...... LOVE sick!
  19. P

    First Grow - 2 x 1000w

    you need some better Bros Dubbzor........just saying