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  1. Fallen Soul

    6 days in 2x 85watt 6500k

    Yeah, there thin plastic pot type things, I am using a mix of miracle grow potting mix, and Planters pride Seedling and Potting Mix.
  2. Fallen Soul

    girlfriend trouble

    Lmao.... made me giggle But yeah Fan leaves aren't much so you should be fine.
  3. Fallen Soul

    First Grow EVER! ( CFL )

    Update!: Day 8: They seem to be doing fine but one of the plants seems to be stunted in growth ever since I move them out of the same pot. Its still alive and well with its leaves reaching high to get to the light but just not getting thicker or taller. The other one on the other hand is...
  4. Fallen Soul

    Vertical Growth in Flowering

    Idk man, I am new to growing but I am pretty sure that the plant will grow like 3-4 times bigger then it was at the start of flowering depending on how early you started it.
  5. Fallen Soul

    6 days in 2x 85watt 6500k

    Looking good, But isn't that a little high of wattage for the plants? I am new to growing CFL so idk, but I thought that you were supposed to use between 20-30 watters, and just add more of them as needed.
  6. Fallen Soul

    Enough Lighting?

    Sorry I honestly don't know. I'm guessing maybe Halogen? Idk I might be talking out of my ass too. it just sounds better :)
  7. Fallen Soul

    Miracle grow all purpose plant food ?

    Well My friend had a bunch of these so he gave me one. But to bad hes mentally retarded and gave me a bag of it with no box so I have no idea how many or what to put in it. Or if I should even use it to grow the beautiful plants known and Marijuana :blsmoke:
  8. Fallen Soul

    First Grow EVER! ( CFL )

    Alright sweet, Yeah I will get some new pics of my new setup in a few days. Its a hassle but I have been modding it day by day trying to make it better and different spectrum's of light.
  9. Fallen Soul

    Enough Lighting?

    Ok. So not the 4100ks? but some lower ones? aswell as some more Daylights?
  10. Fallen Soul

    Enough Lighting?

    Wow people look at it with no reply?
  11. Fallen Soul

    Enough Lighting?

    Well Today I went to get more lights, I ended up grabbing the wrong ones, I knew it as soon as I turned them on and they weren't as bright, so I checked the box and there not (6500k DAYLIGHT) there 23 watt (Natural Light 4100k - 5500k) So this is what I would have in total. 2x 15 watt...
  12. Fallen Soul

    From Sprout. I germinated them then put them in the dirt and its been like 8 days as of today I...

    From Sprout. I germinated them then put them in the dirt and its been like 8 days as of today I think.
  13. Fallen Soul

    First Grow EVER! ( CFL )

    Setup is in a closet. Here's a pic I made of my setup. Cause its kinda just sitting in my closet. Brown thing in the back is Naturebright Light Box, for depression but im using it for extra light until I get my other 2 26 watts.
  14. Fallen Soul


    Wondering same thing :) But I'm at the seedling's / sprouts stage. You can click the link in my sig to see my grow journal and see the sizes.
  15. Fallen Soul

    First Grow EVER! ( CFL )

    Sweet. How long should I wait before I use nutes? I haven't bought any yet cause idk how soon to use them or what other people would suggest. Dont wanna do it to soon and nute burn.
  16. Fallen Soul

    12/12 From seed to Harvest (1 oz Honies)

    Nice grow there, I'm wanting to see the end harvest :) Its looking great so far. Nice journal.
  17. Fallen Soul

    Will it smell?

    ok sweet thanks.
  18. Fallen Soul

    Will it smell?

    Yeah its not the greatest, I have a computer fan blowing in, and a computer fan on the other side blowing out. And my question was more aimed at not "will it smell" but more of "How much if it does" Just my room? Down stairs? House? Neighborhood? United States? United States and Canada? The...
  19. Fallen Soul

    First Grow EVER! ( CFL )

    Sorry Im trying to upload the other pics. (Still adding pics will remove this when im done) DONE! Sorry that there so huge, I will try to edit them in the morning cause im super tired.
  20. Fallen Soul

    First Grow EVER! ( CFL )

    Well this is going to be my first grow ever, I will take pics every 2 days and give some info on whats going on. The first week I did not take pics sorry :( They are like 5-6 days maybe a week. But for this sake I will call it a week. (Yes I know I have a gay ass setup as of now, I have a 2...