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  1. Stinkmeaner

    how much longer you guys thinking?

    boi needz da microscopah 30 - 60X to overstand when fit to behead, seen? dem lower leaves dem will fall pon the ground when overcooked i an i say
  2. Stinkmeaner

    speedy sativa

    wow you all are so helpful <3 but its not that i want a speedy strain per se, but i know that sativas take forever to grow thats why i want one thats a liiiiiiiil faster. urrbody talkin ciny, so i'll guess i'll go cindy :)
  3. Stinkmeaner

    warrup rammzi! ey har du nån erfarenhet av um...skicka godis på post?

    warrup rammzi! ey har du nån erfarenhet av um...skicka godis på post?
  4. Stinkmeaner

    Planting seed

    the sooner the better. so yes
  5. Stinkmeaner

    speedy sativa

    i will look this up sir! thanks alot :P
  6. Stinkmeaner

    can you help me decide if my plants male or female? good pics!

    id say wait it out until YOU are certain. could be female after all. different phenos
  7. Stinkmeaner

    speedy sativa

    hey hey hey RIU! i want help with finding a fast growing sativa ! i never grown a mostly sativa strain before so i wanna see whats whats . the latest grow was white widow and the sativa indica ratio was 60/40 there. i want something like 80 /20 or over...maybe 70/30 but thats not a big leap...
  8. Stinkmeaner

    Whadda ya think

    wohoooo ! they look real healthy bro :p good job. keep it up!
  9. Stinkmeaner

    help!!!!!!!taking too long to finish

    sounds like you need to switch to 12/12 if you havent allready done that. the lights will work fine anyways. patients young padawan
  10. Stinkmeaner

    help a herb smoker out

    wohooo Brazil! hey man, you dont have to worry about the soil so much bro. just go buy any random soil made for flowers. works like a charm you could use CFL's durin veg too. much cheaper and doesnt give off as much heat as a 400 HPS
  11. Stinkmeaner

    Yield per plant!!! Please help!!!

    get super buddha. best yield, best high , easiest grow and tastes the best
  12. Stinkmeaner

    Topping my blueberry...uncertain

    wow so much good info. thanks yall :P better bend before it break!
  13. Stinkmeaner

    Topping my blueberry...uncertain

    but do thousands of people do it to blueberry ? i supose to be weak to stress
  14. Stinkmeaner

    Topping my blueberry...uncertain

    how you know man?
  15. Stinkmeaner

    Topping my blueberry...uncertain

    hmmm looks good. anywho, ive heard bluebbry is a weakling of a strain and cant take nutes proper, does that apply on advanced techs like topping? i mean , the plant aint gon wuss out on me and die or anything right?
  16. Stinkmeaner

    Topping my blueberry...uncertain

    so im thinkin of topping for the first time and the question is = when do you usually top for two colas? how many nodes should it have
  17. Stinkmeaner

    Indica or Sativa?

    who was talkin bout blade counts? maaaaan every strain ( with few exceptions) goes from 3 blades up to 8 or less. no tellin if its indica or sativa that way. the wide leaves is a indica M.O anyways.
  18. Stinkmeaner

    WHAT's Cost of 18 square meter grow?

    i wouldnt start big if i was you...not on the first run anyways. but the expenses will be small to none if you start big though....either that or you'll end up loosin all your money on the first go
  19. Stinkmeaner

    almost 4 weeks into flowering and no buds?

    a month is one week longer than i vegged my first ones. the grew big and crystally
  20. Stinkmeaner

    no trichomes yet

    is it 6 weeks from 12/12 or 6 weeks since you first saw pistils? i dont know whats takin so long, but i bet its a sativa dominant strain