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  1. i grow everglades bud

    Any Pink Floyd fans out there???

    Pink floyd is one of the Greatest bands in my opinion. i love thier music and the first time i heard them i was 16 and was soooooo high after the some Comfortably Numb i just started crying it sounds gay but i dont know what happened i was in a trance and just was hooked to pot and pink floyd...
  2. i grow everglades bud

    ZigZagZane's 09 SoCal outdoor medical grow w/PICS

    Great grow man. if your that worried about your plants bein a male then take 2 cuttings from each and root them put them in the dark for the night and out in the sun for 8-11 hours and then put back in a dark room and repeat they will show sex. unless you have lights then do the same thing with...
  3. i grow everglades bud

    ill send you pics of the rooms when there done

    ill send you pics of the rooms when there done
  4. i grow everglades bud

    any way around the electrical problem

    dude i didnt say i was goin to steal it just tryin to figure out how to make the bill smaller and yeah stealing is wrong but ppl so it everyday and im not one so dont worry i said i "know" a few ways never said im going to do them. im thinkin generator. i just dont want ppl snoopin around cuz of...
  5. i grow everglades bud

    check this strain out =) Magus Genetics Double Dutch 10 Cannabis Seeds

    check this strain out =) Magus Genetics Double Dutch 10 Cannabis Seeds
  6. i grow everglades bud

    Big azz grow

    oh thank you for those + rep, also i have used dosatrons and dosematics and there is an easier and cheeper way for me lol just my your neus in the rez or have a seperate rez like i am going to do and just switch the hose from one to other depending on feeding or watering you dont need a doseing...
  7. i grow everglades bud

    any way around the electrical problem

    lmao thanx but im talkin 30,000 watts =) just seein if i can get a couple things i didnt think of cuz i know a few "shaddy" ways lol
  8. i grow everglades bud

    Big azz grow

    the strains are debatable so far im thinking something with a norther lights cross, or just a good yielding plant. heres a few im thinkin about big buddha cheese b52 critical mass serious seed- chronic ak 47 and white widow -well actaully nr.nice black widow these are the strains i have been...
  9. i grow everglades bud

    any way around the electrical problem

    does anyone know anyways to cut down electrical bills, or somehow just cutting out the company
  10. i grow everglades bud

    a man what you need i got the hook ups in homestead and miami or can point you too who you want...

    a man what you need i got the hook ups in homestead and miami or can point you too who you want for what you need. email me at
  11. i grow everglades bud

    Hi from Florida

    lol. florida boy here too lol readlands what part you guys from everglades are my back yard and keys are my playground lol
  12. i grow everglades bud

    How Much Is Pounds Of Marijuana going for

    in miami i get funk(name brand) for 2400 a lb and make 4800-5000 back usaully I also get 10 lb for 10000 but the bud is no-name or really high-mids deff not a bad deal but i like :fire: pot
  13. i grow everglades bud

    New person, need help, dealer trouble

    Dam that is some dumb shit to do lol what i do when that happens to my buddies cuz they didnt buy from me is throw a huge party and invite all my ppl redceck, hillbillies and back wood folk and invite them and when they get there they will have money and weed and usually booz so we take it all...
  14. i grow everglades bud

    Todat i got caught by the cops and they gave me my weed back

    lol well i believe it cuz i can do better lol in a NON-WEED friendly place called miami fl. you get arrested for a ten lol well i was with some friends when i was about 16 so a few years ago and we were at a party at the bridge, kegs, girls, weed, just a usuall weekend thing down there and the...
  15. i grow everglades bud

    Don't YOU think the prices of weed are insane?

    oh i forgot the topic lol around miami my prices are 20-80 per 0z of lows 400-700 lb/lows- depends on how LOW you want to go lol ________ 150 ish per 0/ mids 1700 ish per/ lb for mids ___________ 250-300 per 0/ highs 2400-3000 per lb/ depending on what you want for some dank bud just depends...
  16. i grow everglades bud

    Don't YOU think the prices of weed are insane?

    :fire: ok that is definatly your own P.O but i have another one, even if weed was to turn legal tomorrow there would definatly be a street or if legal a market value on it. reason being look at cigaretts you can go ahead and grow your own tobacco yet many people are going to buy it because...
  17. i grow everglades bud

    Big azz grow

    also may have a seperate little fun room to test some pruning methods and work on some designs for a super hydro lab =) if i like that and like how it goes may convert but one thing at a time lol so, onto biznaz lol what you guys want to have ill go first i guess tho that wazint the point==>...
  18. i grow everglades bud

    LMAO i live on krome and 216 lol right now im in washington workin on some new "prospects" be...

    LMAO i live on krome and 216 lol right now im in washington workin on some new "prospects" be back close to end of summer. setting up some ops. were you live ? and name mine is greg might know you
  19. i grow everglades bud

    LMAO i live on krome and 216 lol right now im in washington workin on some new "prospects" be...

    LMAO i live on krome and 216 lol right now im in washington workin on some new "prospects" be back close to end of summer. setting up some ops. were you live ? and name mine is greg might know you
  20. i grow everglades bud

    Big azz grow

    ok guys its time to pull out that little thing i like to call pot head inginuity. and cutting room _______________ 10x15 24 hours for clones 18/6 hours for vegging ______________ flowering rooms ______________ 20x20 20x20 side by side 12//12 flowering hours ______________...