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  1. phenix white

    NL Genetics

    drunk iwhen i wrote it..your point reposting it is?
  2. phenix white

    How Much Did You Yield After Curing?

    i pulled 3 ozs off a northern lights from pyramid seeds! 150 watt hps and cfl's for extra lightening! grew in 2x2 -3x3 space. for 10 weeks and 5 days!..if thats all that Jacko1543 gets that is sad!
  3. phenix white

    hey babe! how are ya today? i just jared my NL up! after hanging for 4 long untill the...

    hey babe! how are ya today? i just jared my NL up! after hanging for 4 long untill the good smeel comes???
  4. phenix white

    Dam Attitude..Wtf

    you are kinda right there to! lol i failed to see me poking fun at the very bank i LOVE would be so heart striken to some apolagies for this
  5. phenix white

    Dam Attitude..Wtf

    nah just Bored as fuck on a wed afternoon. But i see you are here? mayb as despreate
  6. phenix white

    Dam Attitude..Wtf

    puddle it up jack,get off my thread
  7. phenix white

    Dam Attitude..Wtf

    Serpis you answered my other threads fine and were quite helpfull, of course this was a joke! who sends human body parts via mail? lol well you call me a troll define this please? if you have a prob because i am a fairly new grower and comes here for advice. the first time i try to be funny...
  8. phenix white

    Dam Attitude..Wtf

    It was supposed to be funny! Grandmother fucker(american wedding ref)
  9. phenix white

    Dam Attitude..Wtf

    Well i guess you got me pegged don't ya!?
  10. phenix white

    Dam Attitude..Wtf

    Grandmother fucker
  11. phenix white

    is 2 and a half days fast when hanging buds to dry?

    great at day 3 of hang dry, the outsides of the buds are felling dryr than the rest but not dry dry
  12. phenix white

    Northern Lights Baked goods!

    how right you are!!!! Tonite im making chocoate suckers! first batch were thin hard and had to eat 2 to really feel it but it lasttts and lastsss. so i made thicker more potent ones!
  13. phenix white

    Dam Attitude..Wtf

    Will do sir! ding1 ding! whata we have form johnny!??? weeeel a surprisE! Delux Package of complete BUUUUULshittt! lol
  14. phenix white

    Dam Attitude..Wtf

    I got my package today man im pissed..! i got whistles,chains,a cooko clock,fingers,toes, a yo-yo, a picture of my grandmother giving the finger , and a duck!
  15. phenix white

    NL Genetics

    i have just Harvested My Northern Lights from Pyramid seeds. there NL is a 3 time spanbis cup winner along with a few others.I made brownies and suckers with my trimmings im all sold out! lol they were soo strong i couldnt handle them1 2 that is! lol..lasted to long to intense for me! im a...
  16. phenix white

    Northern Lights Baked goods!

    I just made my first batch of Cooking cannabis oil! making cookies or brownies first time!
  17. phenix white

    is 2 and a half days fast when hanging buds to dry?

    yea i was thinking the same thing! i worry bout souring or mold
  18. phenix white

    is 2 and a half days fast when hanging buds to dry?

    i knw man i know i only dried like a gram that way.. but i hung it in the closet in dark without a fan and it dryed to where the stem was snaping in 2 an half days! NOW! bigger fish bro! i harvested my crop just now got done!now i wanna dry it slow and right like you said..So how do i keep it...
  19. phenix white

    is 2 and a half days fast when hanging buds to dry?

    also if the stem is drying faster then thu bud? well what if thats the case?..i didnt see anyreason to put a fan in there .its drying fast!
  20. phenix white

    is 2 and a half days fast when hanging buds to dry?

    ok i dryed 2 days and a half a day..ok, now i bended the stem in diffrent parts it snaping sound but didnt snap clean dry into ,ok so do i need to somehow extend my drying in the closet time? put wet towels in there what?