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  1. G

    Drying in a Sealed Tent, With a dehum+humid + small fan

    So an expert grower told me something I find hard to believe is true and I just wanted to know if anyone has heard of this? He swears he can dry inside of a sealed grow tent with no ventilation, just a dehum and humidifier, temp controlled. Rubbish? Personally i do in a tent with all of the...
  2. G

    I'd Like to Share a Theory on a Later Flowering Bug Solution

    Just a follow up after curing to finish this... The weed has a tiny bit more bite on your throat than my previous grow, it could be down to the feed but i suspect its the late ipm treatments. But its still a very enjoyable smoke, way more flavor than my previous grow, and way more potent! So...
  3. G

    Dipping Clones as You Take Cuttings

    Funnily its what i used to get on top in the last weeks of flowering! Just pretty expensive here, so wondering if I can be a bit rougher at the cutting stage, not adversed to using harsh chems, since the clone growth will be no where near the final product
  4. G

    Dipping Clones as You Take Cuttings

    Hello! Last grow I had a spider mite and thrips issue, so ive been letting my flowering room rest for a few weeks with periodic cleans, with no plant material inside. Now my moms still potentially have some creepy crawlies so my question is... Will submerging the cuttings in water for a few...
  5. G

    I'd Like to Share a Theory on a Later Flowering Bug Solution

    Mission absolutely successful! The cleanest ash I've ever seen, hydro white! I'm only into day 2 of curing but I stuck some samples in a jar, the rest are heat sealed in grove bags. So it's a seriously fantastic, smooth and clean smoke, if you want to spray your flowers 3 weeks from harvest this...
  6. G

    I'd Like to Share a Theory on a Later Flowering Bug Solution

    Just an update, my dry finished a little faster than I'd hoped, day 11, but the weed looks and smells amazing. Managed to get 4 out of 5 plants trimmed and stuck into the grove bags which are sitting around 62 -64 percent. Really this is far superior to my last grow and I'm pleased with the...
  7. G

    Pest Eradication Between Grows

    I specifically think BT will target fungus gnats, which can survive in the soil for extended periods, feeding on organic matter. Most the other stuff is to get rid of any remaining spider mites, in case removing the plant matter is not enough.
  8. G

    Pest Eradication Between Grows

    Hello! Does this sound like it should take care of any lingering spider mites and fungus gnats between my grow in my 5x5 tent, without damaging my no-till living soil eco system? 1: Removing all plant matter 2: Lights off for 2-3 weeks. 3: Citric acid, plant safe foliar mix sprayed all over the...
  9. G

    I'd Like to Share a Theory on a Later Flowering Bug Solution

    Just a follow up, today I harvested my 5x5 and did the bud washing method. 3 18 gallon Buckets of clean water first bucket with about 60 ml lemon juice (concentrated), and 60g of baking soda. Next 2 just clean water. Grabbing a few buds at a time, i dipped in the lemon soda bucket first for...
  10. G

    How do you harvest in the dark, with all the stakes/nets/cable ties??

    Ok got it, so I just saw this ad appear and it all makes sense now! Harvest in the dark, with a green glow in the dark outfit while spaced out!
  11. G

    How do you harvest in the dark, with all the stakes/nets/cable ties??

    You're right I can't find any proper scientific articles on it... Just tons and tons of grow articles, so perhaps it is broscience.
  12. G

    How do you harvest in the dark, with all the stakes/nets/cable ties??

    It's not for terpenes it's so the plants liquids, starches, sugars etc go back into the roots as the leads droop for the night. Meant to give a faster cure as less to expel. It might be bro science but I've sure seen it on a lot of bit websites.
  13. G

    How do you harvest in the dark, with all the stakes/nets/cable ties??

    As the topic says... So it seems the general consensus is that harvesting just before the lights are due on helps with a faster cure, due to the fluids dripping down into the roots at night, so once the lights come back on, the plant sucks back the fluid from the roots. So last harvest I...
  14. G

    Rick Simpson Oil for General Health?

    Can you microdose Rick Simpson Oil for general anti cancer properties and health benefits? What would the benefits be if so? Thinking bout making some.
  15. G

    I'd Like to Share a Theory on a Later Flowering Bug Solution

    So step 1, cleaned the room thoroughly with a chemical floor cleaner and binned any junk. Unlikely the mites could survive outside the tent but just in case. Step 2, tied the branches to the stakes cause they're about to get wet/heavy. Step 3, applied 3 TSP citric acid in 1 litre of water...
  16. G

    I'd Like to Share a Theory on a Later Flowering Bug Solution

    Oh interesting as I have some coming also, but figured i'd be safer with just the citric acid.
  17. G

    I'd Like to Share a Theory on a Later Flowering Bug Solution

    Not sure precisily but I'm seeing definite spider mite and thrips. Neem oil didn't work, nor did 100 or so ladybugs.
  18. G

    I'd Like to Share a Theory on a Later Flowering Bug Solution

    Hello! So I've been struggling with mites recently and a friend of mine put me onto Athena's IPM. I see its active ingredient is Citric acid and a few essential oils, the usual suspects... So while technically this is safe to spray up until harvest, it's going to effect the taste of the bud but...
  19. G

    Thrips & Spider Mites Day 14 of Flowering

    The neem oil and ladybugs did not work, im day 35 of flowering and debating if i bin the whole lot or not... will see if the ladybugs can at least keep the population down as there is at least no webbing at this stage
  20. G

    Figfarms, what nutrients are they using?

    Do you mean they make their own chemical formulas and you think that's what Fig Farms is likely doing? I'm surprised more people aren't interested in how they appear to be making the best indoor weed grown in America l, based on the amount of awards they got at the emerald cup.