my 600 watter just showed up. bought the ipower one off amazon for $284 came with a temperature reader and a booster fan also.. all i need now i think is another inline fan and then ducting.. setting her up this weekend
little update on my clones. they are getting pretty big now.had to lst the chenobryl {sativa} it was outgrowing the rest of them by alot. they are a little over 12 inches high. my question is if it's ok to let them veg another month before flowering?
i did meth for 10 years. i was like the op thinking ill have my addiction in check.WRONG............lost everything cause of that shit. glad to say im 8 years clean and i still can't think of why i ever fucked with that shit.. i got cleaned up when i went to jail..worst thing is my daughter's...
lol. ok narrowed it down to the apollo or ipower.
got this fan today from a friend of mine and im getting the carbon filter tomorrow. decided on a cheap amazon light set up 600w for this grow. ordering that this week
did i do it right? or did i f*ck it up? just got a hanger from the closet and stuck her to the ground.. this sativa was outgrowing my indicas.someone recommended lst so i looked it up on you tube..hopefully i did it right. any pointers?
wow that sucks man. i remember when i got raided... fuckers jumped out of a uhaul truck at 7pm.. flashbangs and all that {but my raid was cause of selling meth} don't worry guys shit was in 2005 been clean since getting out of jail in 2006... just smoke weed now.. i know how your feeling bro...