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  1. The Undertoker

    The eye in the sky, can they see me?

    Those cams are real sensative dude, im guessing at yes, ive got a 6 inch concrete slab on my shed roof with triple brick walls, he he he "KEEP OUT ROVING EYE YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED IN HERE" REGARDS The Undertoker
  2. The Undertoker

    Has anyone tried Greenhouse seeds "the Church"

    Ok, slight change of plan, its wrapped in kitchen towel and soaked, then popped in a dvd case and insulated in a small black bag, then popped in in the afore mentioned resting place, time to watch the clock now folks. cheers
  3. The Undertoker

    Has anyone tried Greenhouse seeds "the Church"

    Cheers Dez, well today is "G" day (germination start day) lol, out with the kitchen towel and plates, i've followed an earlier suggestion on this thread and am placing it between my amplifier and desktop pc, having monitored temp here for 2 days its running at around 82f here. Here goes
  4. The Undertoker

    Has anyone tried Greenhouse seeds "the Church"

    aw bless, big things come in small parcel's lol
  5. The Undertoker

    Has anyone tried Greenhouse seeds "the Church"

    Hows it looking today Dez?
  6. The Undertoker

    Has anyone tried Greenhouse seeds "the Church"

    Thanks Ink, ill bear that in mind and come back to you fella.
  7. The Undertoker

    Has anyone tried Greenhouse seeds "the Church"

    ok, peeps, the seed arrived today, germination target start date :- Saturday Ill keep this post till germination then move it across, say"CHEEZE" The Undertoker
  8. The Undertoker

    Has anyone tried Greenhouse seeds "the Church"

    Sounds good to me Dubsfan, i'll be storing that one in the memory banks. cheers, Keep em comin
  9. The Undertoker

    Has anyone tried Greenhouse seeds "the Church"

    Thanks guys, Dez, i heard a similar story from a friend of mine, he also couldn't germinate. looks like a heavy research night
  10. The Undertoker

    Has anyone tried Greenhouse seeds "the Church"

    Hi all, has anyone tried "the Church" from seed, Any advice greatly appreciated for starting off. cheez The Undertoker
  11. The Undertoker


    Thanks Vapor, nice to meet you. Ive just switched over to 12/12 but heres a couple of pics for you anyway, feel free to point me in the right direction peeps, The Undertoker
  12. The Undertoker

    Newbie grow thread, PIPI Afropips

    Hi Everyone, Post No2, thread No 1! Apologies for the many mistakes i'm probably about to make,lol. Ive started a fresh this year, a new seed, ive never tried before during my on and off growing relation ship. So ill pop a few pics on and no doubt ill be looking for some help in the near...
  13. The Undertoker


    Hi, My first post so apologies for any upcoming errors:- I have had some afropips on veg now for 6 weeks ( the "pipi" variety) and ive got to say im enjoying what im seeing so far, it seems a good strong plant so have some faith, thats what i say. Cheers.