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  1. Hassan

    is my plant a hermie please help!

    really it should be about ready to cut at any time but since its your only plant you might want to let it go longer to get the most from it. From what I understand the THC content peaks right when the pollen sacks are opening so dont keep it past that. The level of THC will vary depending on...
  2. Hassan

    does smoking marijuana cause man boobs??

    I dunno bout causing man boobs but it sure does cause me to look at boobs more
  3. Hassan

    is my plant a hermie please help!

    oh and I just saw in your pic that maybe ur keeping the plant inside now, keep in mind if it releases pollen inside the pollen may hang around till ur next grow
  4. Hassan

    is my plant a hermie please help!

    if its been going 4 months thats a good amount of time for a male, no reason to waste it- there's THC in there, put it to use or save it for future baking or honey hash oil
  5. Hassan

    is my plant a hermie please help!

    if its outside and your only one then I'd just let it grow. Dont worry about the balls just leave them. You only pick them off to keep them from releasing the pollen inside the balls. Its not necessary if the plant is outside and not around any females. The plant should be cut down right before...
  6. Hassan

    is my plant a hermie please help!

    well its definitely at least a herm, may be a male because males can produce a bit of flower too.. But I see the white hairs, I just cant tell if those are actually white hairs/pistils or if they just kinda look like it. Maybe someone else can tell you for sure. How old is the plant? If its...
  7. Hassan

    sugar and yeast create CO2?

    uhm what do u think youre doing with water sugar and yeast, same thing... Thats why you add some food for the yeast instead of just sugar
  8. Hassan

    is my plant a hermie please help!

    definitely got a lotta balls there man, is this your only plant?
  9. Hassan

    Light keeps turning off and back on???

    you have ghosts turning ur shit off dude call those guys on the scifi channel
  10. Hassan

    Hermi prob

    it will get real damn seedy unless you cut off most of the pollen sacs without busting them open
  11. Hassan

    sugar and yeast create CO2?

    there's a full guide in the DIY section do a search it will give u the exacts. Be careful if you put too much sugar in the shit will bubble up to the point where its overflowing out the bottle. It will take a minute to get to that point so if u leave the room you may come back to a huge mess...
  12. Hassan

    joints, need some info

    wtf you talkin bout mang #2 is 2 chezburgs
  13. Hassan

    joints, need some info

    maybe he hates them the way I hate mcdonalds. Sitting in the drive thru thinking "I hate this motherfucking cocksucking place" and giving it the finger while I order a #2 with a coke
  14. Hassan

    Is this a hermaphrodite?

    looks like a male... I dont see any white hairs or pistils... Get some pics right up close if you think it has female preflowers , I dont see any
  15. Hassan

    joints, need some info

    those rollers are nice and easy but watch out. They roll the joints too tight very easily so keep it loose while youre rolling or the joint will be tight and won't smoke. I started using the dollar bill method after the rollers. Take a dollar bill and make a fold in it towards the bottom...
  16. Hassan

    MG user's no haters

    I used mg soil first few rounds with good results but have started mixing my own. A huge bag of peatmoss that will last me at least half a year only $6 at lowes, bag of local compost $1, bag of topsoil $1 and vermaculite and perlite each a few bucks, and worm castings. Mixes enough soil to last...
  17. Hassan

    MG user's no haters

    Yes that is the general consensus
  18. Hassan

    Growing Ethics

    put it on craigslist
  19. Hassan

    MG user's no haters

    I'm going to start putting no haters in all my thread titles
  20. Hassan

    A Case of the 'Gravity Finger!'

    you know I'm not sure and I haven't read anything about it so this is just a guess based on the words themselves. In zero gravity there is literally zero gravity. Anti gravity could also be technology to reduce gravity or make it seem reduced...