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  1. BeefSupreme

    Nute or Light Burned Trichomes?

    Seems too cool to have heat stress. Do the rest of the plants look fine? Could be a genetic thing?
  2. BeefSupreme

    Would 12/12 lighting hurt seedlings for the first few weeks?

    If you can switch your 12 hours of flowering night at night time (if its not already) then you can keep your little ones in the window or some sort of natural light during the day, and boost them with an extra 12 hours of light at night.
  3. BeefSupreme

    3 days without water?

    If have your pots in a deep tray, you could fill the tray with an inch of water and at least the bottom will soak up water if they do need it.
  4. BeefSupreme

    Temperature issues (1K HPS, 400 CFM fan, 106 cubic ft. space)

    I had my filter on the floor in a plastic container and it sucked air from the top. It did take up a bit of space, but seemed the best option I had. Hope this helps.. The aluminum duct I have on the right goes directly into my can filter, inside the plastic tote. It sucks air out of the tote...
  5. BeefSupreme

    ventilation question

    When I was growing inside during the winter, I had the exhaust going to my bathroom and the intake was just the air around. Its most likely going to be higher CO2 (because of me) than outside air and the temperature is consistent. I was on the coast and it got down to 0ºC and I never opened a...
  6. BeefSupreme

    container size question

    Generally speaking its best to move the pot size up after the roots completely fill the last sized pot. Once the roots are bound (or close to it) transplant to a bigger pot. Bigger pots mean even water saturation, more available nutrients and bushier plants. If the plant seems top heavy for the...
  7. BeefSupreme

    Male or Female WTF!??

    That looks girly to me. Gotta love watchin those lady buds grow.
  8. BeefSupreme

    Can someone help me identify whats wrong with my ladies?

    I used those liquid pH things until I started added things like humic acid and thrive alive. Those both make the color almost completely black. Could the nutes be changing your color? You can get some cheap pH meters on ebay if you can wait a week or 2. I got mine from the hydro store and it was...
  9. BeefSupreme

    Help! Yellow/brown spots on leaves during flowering.

    That looks like pH problems causing nute lock. What is your pH at?
  10. BeefSupreme

    First outdoor grow

    Well if it started flowering at the beginning of August you are only 3-4 weeks in. Buds looks pretty good to me, it really depends on strain as far as how big they will get. Are you using any nutes?
  11. BeefSupreme

    Can someone help me identify whats wrong with my ladies?

    In my experience, curling leaves like that mean a pH problem. What is your pH at?
  12. BeefSupreme

    Can i go back to natural light cycle to carry on flowering?

    The hours of light a day need to keep it in flower will depend on the strain. Im not sure about AK48 (or 47). Also, Id transplant to the pot you have right next to it. The plant will thank you for it lol
  13. BeefSupreme

    Is this preflower or flower?

    Tokalot, I gave the wilted one 4 gallons of water yesterday and its mostly perked back up! A few leaves are still down a bit compared to the others, but looks waaay better! I had no idea they could take that much water in a day. Thanks again!
  14. BeefSupreme

    is this flowering

    How can we check out the progress without pictures? Take a pic of the whole plant and then a close up of the nodes so we can help answer your questions.
  15. BeefSupreme

    where to put my green house?

    Ya def go for more light, especially if you are doin it legally. If you are worried about it being seen from the road, just plant a huge bush/tree to block the view (if it doesnt block the sun).
  16. BeefSupreme

    Grow tents

    That is one impressive SCROG!
  17. BeefSupreme

    Grow tents

    You are going to have to light up your basement to get more than a pound out of there IMO. The tents are good because it keeps the humidity even, the light out/in and smell in. Plus if you keep the small area clean you dont have to worry as much about stuff around your house contaminating your...
  18. BeefSupreme

    Need help on yields and tents

    Ya its going to be hard to get more than a pound off that size box. I had a 70x70x75 box goin with 600w digital ballasts and I was getting 20oz with 15 smaller plants. Not to say thats the max, but I would never expect pounds out of that area. I had bubba kush goin, which isnt the biggest...
  19. BeefSupreme

    Harvest Advice

    Is that fert on the ground in the 3rd picture? They look really burnt! As for drying im pretty sure the humidity makes more of a difference than the temp, so if its cold and dry you should be fine. You can make a wood frame pretty cheap and tarp it, if the smell wasnt a worry while they were...
  20. BeefSupreme

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Your Lemon Larry OG is one hairy bitch! Good work bro!