Search results

  1. Secret Jardin

    Simple Game...

  2. Secret Jardin

    Being high in public.

    Same ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  3. Secret Jardin

    Simple Game...

  4. Secret Jardin

    Start your morning with a nice bowl of honey.

    Not a waste at all.
  5. Secret Jardin

    Start your morning with a nice bowl of honey.

    Thanks it is a oil spoon made just for BHO, FDD made it.
  6. Secret Jardin

    Start your morning with a nice bowl of honey.

    breakfast of champions
  7. Secret Jardin

    Making Cannabutter with Sr. Verde!! (60g vaped 1g space cheese)

    That is a nice vape! Like that a lot. Nice job on the edies, Verde! They look tasty.
  8. Secret Jardin

    Start your morning with a nice bowl of honey.

  9. Secret Jardin

    So who does Tooters?

    Around here "tooters" are what you use to blow a line. like a rolled up bill, or a straw, or bic pen.
  10. Secret Jardin

    Looking for simple clear glass pipes online...

    LOL that made me spit water out my nose! lol +rep
  11. Secret Jardin

    Gotti, Goddie, or Fat Ass Blunt?

    It was called a "Goddie" around my parts.
  12. Secret Jardin

    What yall smokin on? pics n stuff.

    At least you handled the situation maturely. lol
  13. Secret Jardin

    Herb Iron
  14. Secret Jardin

    I need this bong.

    Thanks you so much! +rep
  15. Secret Jardin

    I need this bong.

    Thanks bud but how do you order them? I click on the pic, and it just gives me a larger picture. Thanks.
  16. Secret Jardin

    Heads Shops Online Chucky Glass Pipes and Northwest Glass art (Problems)

    many people have had many problems with this place.
  17. Secret Jardin

    I need this bong.

    Hey Verde, Where do you order the us tubes from, I have been looking forever for one on the internet, Thanks/
  18. Secret Jardin

    Blowin' glass on my new mirage - WINTER 2010/11

    That is the tops my friend! How much ?
  19. Secret Jardin

    Non Mind scrubbing movies

    Very good movie! good choice:clap:
  20. Secret Jardin

    Show Off Your GLASS
