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  1. jfgordon1

    ALDO v/s FABAR ?

    So true, the only soreness he's going to feel is his right leg from kicking faber so much
  2. jfgordon1

    A Case Full Of Glass How much for this sucker ? shit's tight
  3. jfgordon1

    ALDO v/s FABAR ?

    That was a straigh ass kickin'. It was almost sad to watch towards the end... like watching a wounded animal..
  4. jfgordon1

    Hashplant Haze & Mk Ultra Day 51 Flower, Pics!

    Haha fuck bro make sure not to step on any... be like prying gum off! Glad it came out badass!
  5. jfgordon1

    Hashplant Haze & Mk Ultra Day 51 Flower, Pics!

    Mmm mm mm I wondered what that smell was :D
  6. jfgordon1

    A Case Full Of Glass

    That's kinda cool... i've put over 2 years into this damn site. Might as well have something to show for it :D
  7. jfgordon1

    ? about location of outdoor grow and police

    DAMN, 3 years? Was he growing 100 plants? (sorry to thread jack)
  8. jfgordon1

    will transplanting my plants out doors changed the photoperiod?PLEASE HELP!! THANK YA

    You should have awhile man. Should start to flower as the days get shorter... late june-ish
  9. jfgordon1

    B.C. OutDoor Clone Guerrilla 2010

    Nice man... i'll be tuning in
  10. jfgordon1

    NFL Draft 2010

    The first thing the eagles need to do is just pick up and leave the city :lol: brotherly love doesn't exist anymore ;)
  11. jfgordon1


    I think we went to the moon ;) So you don't believe any? So the greatest government in the world has no idea where Obama was truly born?? Since he tricked the government and most the populace to believe he was American.... would Michelle and Barrack be considered a party of 2 to be considered a...
  12. jfgordon1

    NFL Draft 2010

    We tried a fantasy league last year... i don't think anybody actually perticipated ( i know i didn't) thread never got bumped after week 5 :lol:
  13. jfgordon1


    You're a hypocrite, Cracker. You believe Obama is Kenyan or some foreigner. So you're telling yourself that you are indeed "mentally ill, or uneducated" ... THAT i can agree to.
  14. jfgordon1


    Yeah, jet streams and down drafts did this :roll: I believe this could be the cause of higher rate of respiratory diseases. The government loves you :hug:
  15. jfgordon1

    NFL Draft 2010

    It's april and DOT DOT is ALREADY talking trash haha
  16. jfgordon1

    NFL Draft 2010

    I can't wait till it comes out he's coke head pedophile or something :lol: Everybody has skeletons in his closet...
  17. jfgordon1

    NFL Draft 2010

    Tebow is a Tard. His christian ass is going to suck in the NFL
  18. jfgordon1

    Eighth man gets prison after N.S. bust involving 750 kilograms of hash oil

    They'll never find the 9th person involved muhaha (jk DEA)
  19. jfgordon1

    Damn college people need to get their shit together

    My university pisses me off as well. I entered this year as junior. I was taken out of class day and was told i was a FRESHMAN with my amount of credit. I was like AWW HaLE no. yada yada yada... they fixed their mistake. I was livid though... Hope your school gets their shit together