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  1. UnderCurrentDWC

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    Thx rck Sure it can be set up with 5 gal buckets, I would suggest larger containers for the head and tail buckets.
  2. UnderCurrentDWC

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    That was straight over, The water level was about an inch up the net pot, keeping the stg around the cutting tip moist and not under water. I'm now using my e-z-cloner and transfering to the net pot.
  3. UnderCurrentDWC

    How to drain a UCRDWC??

    ^ What Soupsah said! ^ What nitro said!
  4. UnderCurrentDWC

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    New toy! Enjoying the simple life!
  5. UnderCurrentDWC

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    For the most part it's pretty easy to work with, if your worried about salt build up, run H&g Drip Clean Sorry... I've never used added co2 in my flower room. I have read to place air pumps outside the room if using supplemental co2.
  6. UnderCurrentDWC

    DWC whats the best airpump?

    I run the General Hydroponics duel diaphragm air pumps, they're rated to run on 8w and produce 20lpm I would suggest 1 pump per tote with multiple airstones per tote.
  7. UnderCurrentDWC

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    I'm not sure, Before I had a 2 to 1 bulb ratio now it's 1 to 1, also grape ape is more quality vs yield plant. Rubber glove, good scissors, rubbing alcohol, and good tunes.
  8. UnderCurrentDWC

    DWC whats the best airpump?

    It looks to me like you need more action from the bubbles I suggest 1 lpm (liter per minute) per gallon minimum for dwc. When talking about air supply it's best to refer to gph(gallons per hour) or lpm(liters pre minute) because they are given amounts, when talking watt per gallon all pumps...
  9. UnderCurrentDWC

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    Yes, Btw it's 3/4" polly hose with a 1.25" sleeve around it to take out the bend of the flex tube, I now just buy 3/4" garden hose from blowe's Nope same size, Clones go from an e-z-cloner to 6" net pots. I'll be moving over to 5 gallon buckets with 10" net pot lids soon. Room logistics. I...
  10. UnderCurrentDWC

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    The Dehu ph'd at 5.1, I would just dtw now. I drill a hole through the lid just bigger than the pvc plug, the plug has a lip so it doesn't pull through, than press fit a coupler on the other side of the lid, and press fit a pvc riser with a slot cut out to the desired height of your scrog...
  11. UnderCurrentDWC

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    Thanks guys! I think you need 50 posts to pm green.
  12. UnderCurrentDWC

    H2O level question

    Just make sure the rockwool cube stays moist. It sounds like you have a germed seed in a rw cube with no sprout showing but you've placed it in your dwc system? When I germ in r/w cubes, I'll start them off in a shallow tray until they show a good amount of roots than transfer to a net pot.
  13. UnderCurrentDWC

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC Thanks greenmonster No, I don't disclose total weight anymore (if you where in my situation you might understand) Yes I am very concerned. I'm outside all day and sleep next to them. Funny story, I had 2 city police officers here today admiring them...
  14. UnderCurrentDWC

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    1800 after the 7 foot head height to the chiller it's actually around a 1000gph to match the 1/4hp chiller.
  15. UnderCurrentDWC

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    I use a danner mag-drive inline water pump
  16. UnderCurrentDWC

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    Congrats on your new system Dr.! -I vegged about 10 weeks. -Currently the trees in flower consume about 2-3 gallons a day. -No I haven't had problems with clogging, I'm using 2 inch pvc. -I would suggest fem topping your plants at 4-6 nodes when doing a scrog. Your plants look great!, Nice clean...
  17. UnderCurrentDWC

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    Yeah... The plants where eating and drinking good so I upped the ppm during add backs... then the ppm's started to rise, and I didn't dilute fast enough (3 days). They're back on track eating and drinking healthy though after the lower dose rez change.