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  1. Stinkmeaner

    Best Strain You've Ever Grown?

    im beginning to think that white widow is too strong for my taste. too much THC man. no mellow high. just fucked up
  2. Stinkmeaner

    Electrical Growing Worries.

    look here. thats under a 125 W CFL with the WRONG spectrum. so i think you can grow two plants undar a 250 W. dont know if yield will be much though. i'll have to wait and see in about 6 weeks
  3. Stinkmeaner

    Should i go by this or what???

    depends on how the trichomes look bro
  4. Stinkmeaner

    Best Strain You've Ever Grown?

    have you grown it before?
  5. Stinkmeaner

    Growing with CFL's HELP!

    eh....Watts do matter, but not in the same sense. more watts = brighter = better but it "has" to be the right kind of light (spectrum)
  6. Stinkmeaner

    Growing with CFL's HELP!

    look at the package then. if its warmwhite cfls, they 2500-2700 K (bloom). if they softwhite , they 5000- ??? maybe 6700 K (vegg) Watts doesnt matter. its the spectrum (colour) that matters
  7. Stinkmeaner

    Just planted.......

    im usin a 125 W CFl 6500 K for flowering. 2700 K is optimal, but hey, lets see if it works? i aint worried. bottomline, its a weed. it grows regardless whatchu do. it may grow good and have badass buds, or it will grow bummy. its up to the growers knowledge and wallet i say!
  8. Stinkmeaner

    Just planted.......

    i wouldnt go as far as sayin "good" but it will work through vegg. no doubt i used ONE 18 W CFL to feed my plants the first week so
  9. Stinkmeaner

    30 days into flowering, no crystals?!

    yeah you may record BOTH , but when do you start to count it as floweringtime? when you switch to 12/12 or when the actual flower begins to show?
  10. Stinkmeaner

    30 days into flowering, no crystals?!

    freebies? man i aint gettin no freebies from my seedbank???!!! what the f.... what kind of freebies you get? candy?
  11. Stinkmeaner

    30 days into flowering, no crystals?!

    i do keep track of both. how do you count it?
  12. Stinkmeaner

    is it almost ready to harvest?

    your confusin the man :S if you aint, your confusin meeeeeeee! mr overachiever, you really think he will need all those supplies right about now? in the middle of closure i mean
  13. Stinkmeaner

    first grow- could use some help

    Smell? whatchu talkin bout smell? its called FRAGRANCE and YES, after some time in flowermode, you will pick up the stank...erhm i mean fragrance :) just dont put too many plants in there you heard? more plants more smell
  14. Stinkmeaner

    is it almost ready to harvest?

    just like yours truly :P but its only the lower part of my plant thats abused. light burned, nute burned, overwatered, underwatered , timer givin up on me, lightbulb fallin down on its dome etc etc still it lives and looks kinda happy :)
  15. Stinkmeaner

    Just planted.......

    i think they'll pull trough. after all, the some QUEENS at takin abuse. plus, i would put them under 18/6 . works fiii-i-ine
  16. Stinkmeaner

    is it almost ready to harvest?

    i think the plant look badass in some fucked up kinda way :P looks rugged and warscarred you know anywho, to me , it looks almost done.
  17. Stinkmeaner

    30 days into flowering, no crystals?!

    how you gon say its flowering when its not? FLOWERS need to appear for it to flower. now i dont know what kind of superstrain you got, but mine doesnt flower the same day i switch to 12/12. if you go with 12/12 from seed to harvest, would you call the whole process flowering then too?
  18. Stinkmeaner

    30 days into flowering, no crystals?!

    i dont think you suppose to do that since it doesnt flower over night
  19. Stinkmeaner

    White Widow Flowering Week 1 1/2

    better if you show the whole plant though
  20. Stinkmeaner

    Guessing Game !!!

    maximum guess so far = an ounce minimum guess so far = 5 Grams