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  1. SiCoSkateboards

    College parties....

    granted,but i love the mass quantities of girls at college shindigs
  2. SiCoSkateboards

    College parties....

    so nobody goes to really expensive parties and drinks for free and takes all the chicks huh?? damn, how boring, nah im just kiddin do ur thing guys
  3. SiCoSkateboards

    Please if get high and watch this you wont regret it!

    dude...the only reason i watched the whole thing is cause im really really high but yea im not sure...i think its evil.
  4. SiCoSkateboards

    College parties....

    ok so i walked up to this frat house last night and somehow got into this beer fuckin chicks up to my eyeballs, pong, fuckin loud ass tunes,went till like 6 in the morning,there were so many girls that arnt used to havin a skater around cause its a poopoo university so i was the...
  5. SiCoSkateboards

    Determining Sex Help

    can u get better pictures?
  6. SiCoSkateboards


    organic blackstrap mollassas. is the way to go i hear. i would also like to know how much mollassas per gallon
  7. SiCoSkateboards

    I FIMmed howd I do? Also would you trim at this stage?

    ill post pics of mine i fimmed 2 weeks ago and now im looking at 2 nice buds at the top of her good job bro +reps
  8. SiCoSkateboards

    root bound

    i just had this problem i transplanted they dropped for a day and where fine
  9. SiCoSkateboards

    mollases in canna coco

    where can i get black molassas
  10. SiCoSkateboards

    Cut fan leaves during flowering

    this grow is awesome....youve been doin this awhile huh?
  11. SiCoSkateboards

    Cut fan leaves during flowering

    the leaves do grab most of the light. but your bud leaves will get enough light for the home stretch good luck bro
  12. SiCoSkateboards

    easy drying

    agreed fine smoke is key
  13. SiCoSkateboards

    16 days flowering and something is wrong.<pics>

    one is lookin good and the other is starting to
  14. SiCoSkateboards

    16 days flowering and something is wrong.<pics>

    80 degrees during the day and 70 at night
  15. SiCoSkateboards

    16 days flowering and something is wrong.<pics>

    can i get a moisture meter at walmart??
  16. SiCoSkateboards

    Post your Lowryder #2 harvest!!!

    nice how tall were they right before harvest
  17. SiCoSkateboards

    16 days flowering and something is wrong.<pics>

    but the temp hasnt changed..