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  1. GypsyBush

    FLood and drain questions ???

    I think I sprouted like 30 seeds... Then I chose 4 females... 2 indica dom and 2 sativa dom... I never even flowered them before choosing... I just chose the "prettiest" ones...:lol: I say DANK is 75% environmental control - 15% DNA - 10% NUTRIENTS... Get "your house in order" and they will...
  2. GypsyBush

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    How's this for F'd up...:lol: Far cry from my 3/4 pound plants.. eh?!?!?:o It's a month old seedling...:spew:
  3. GypsyBush

    do you need a air pump in the water?

    Not "will"... just "may"... And yes... one may have problems with spores in the air.... But it is one thing to have the res exposed and another to force air into it... .. Please mind that I am not saying you shouldn't.. some ops NEED it... but in ops that do not NEED it... using one is a...
  4. GypsyBush

    PPM Meter?

    I buy 15 gallons of the 50% for about $100... and that jug will last me 6 months... and I run 2x 100 gallon res + a 50 gal res for the moms... :o I buy it at an Industrial Chemical Supplier... see your local listings...:razz:
  5. GypsyBush

    Growing My Own Cocain Plants.

    :razz: qYS732zyYfU
  6. GypsyBush

    Cold temp question.

    not even one of these?
  7. GypsyBush

    PPM Meter?

    You mean the 3% stuff you buy at the grocery store??? No man.... I mean I guess you can... But it is not cost effective and the real bad is in the stabilizers they put in there... H2O2 can easily break into H2O with an extra O floating around... H2O is just so they have to add...
  8. GypsyBush

    Tasteful Nudity *no marijuana required*

    :o:-P :lol:
  9. GypsyBush

    Cold temp question.

    Yeah.. they'll show.. be patient...:hump: They are just too young yet...:weed:
  10. GypsyBush

    Cold temp question.

    CAN'T????:o well get an electrical heater then...:lol: or something...:lol: build a fire...:lol: But 50s os too low and will hurt your harvest...:-|
  11. GypsyBush

    Sea of Screen Method?

    Mblaze just got 6lbs from 3 plants in his last grow... indoor 2400W... His buddy also did a monster with 3600w and got 4 lbs.. single plant..:razz: here is one of his links...:clap: And I got 2 lbs from 3 girls my last grow... 1200w...:weed: Gypsy's first Tree attempt:leaf:
  12. GypsyBush

    Cold temp question.

    She looks young to me... :razz:
  13. GypsyBush

    Cold temp question.

    I use a propane heater with a thermostat... like this one... (do a search for vent free heaters) As for the no sex in 3 weeks of flowering... how old were the plants when you switched...??? It could be the cold or it could be simply that they are too young...:razz:
  14. GypsyBush

    do you need a air pump in the water?

    Just because it has not happened to you, does not mean it CAN'T HAPPEN...:o The Air is FULL of spores.... and YES you are pumping those spores into your res... Whether they become a problem or not depends on a whole host other things... .. And I am PUZZLED to know what type of system the...
  15. GypsyBush

    Cold temp question.

    Cold nights will stunt them... I live in AK... I run heaters in my op 10 months of the year... 50s is too low... it WILL hurt your yield... it will not kill the plants... nor will it make them do anything weird... They will just not develop to their full potential... REMEDY THIS ASAP...
  16. GypsyBush

    do you need a air pump in the water?

    Ebb/Flow works like this animated gif shows... the plants go in pots.. on the tray at the top......:razz: So what exactly do you have "running 3 times a day for 15 mins"???:eyesmoke:
  17. GypsyBush

    PPM Meter?

    I'm a HUGE fan of HUGE reservoirs... I use 100 gallon stock tanks (x2) in my flower room...:razz:
  18. GypsyBush

    PPM Meter?

    From the GH website... "FloraBloom, FloraGro, and FloraMicro are made from high quality refined minerals. This ensures high quality crop production, but prevents the crop from being considered "organic"." So you could add 1ml/L of 50%...
  19. GypsyBush

    PPM Meter?

    That's a complete hydro nute... you'll be fine... The h2o2 is used to STERILIZE the res... no growies... But it cannot be used with organics because it KILLS the growies.. even the good ones in the nutes... I use it regularly and NEVER have problems...of any kind.. no algae.. no root rot.. no...
  20. GypsyBush

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    It's a Hybrid... One of my friends calls it the PERFECT I hope to grow it forever... :razz: