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  1. SMNG2990

    yep i head aboutthat and i found a site that had laws for mj but i dont remeber what the site...

    yep i head aboutthat and i found a site that had laws for mj but i dont remeber what the site was but it said unde 50 plants 1 yea in jail and o 1000 fine
  2. SMNG2990

    Mandela White Satin??

    what dose work ver seas then anything??
  3. SMNG2990

    Mandela White Satin??

    how about those visa debit gift cards when i was at a georcey store i read it and it said accepted whee any visa debit is accepted so i belive that would work overseas right??:weed:
  4. SMNG2990

    Mandela White Satin??

    is orde from madala safe just like attitude or is there more a chance of it getting seized
  5. SMNG2990

    Mandela White Satin??

    i see so buy the seeds at ttitude theres a chance i could get the smelly strain then right but if i got the non smelly i could clone it and rest in peace:lol:
  6. SMNG2990

    Mandela White Satin??

    dose anyone know if the seeds at attitude , if those mandela white satin seeds are the very very low odour phenotype ?????? and how do i know the pheno type dose it say by the plant sed info or what ????:dunce:
  7. SMNG2990

    Mandela White Satin??

    phenos?? what dose that mean exatctly am kinda new so what is that mean thanks
  8. SMNG2990

    Mandela White Satin??

    i there are two gentics of the white satin one who smells and one that smells very very little dose anyone know if the one attitude seed company sells is the very low order one ??????????????:wall:
  9. SMNG2990

    negative ionizers

    i heard that ozone generators will kill the smell but i also herd so would that negative ionizers. dose any one have experiance that an negative ionizer works? if it dose what size owuld i need in a 12X8 room its a bed room and i really dont want the smell thanks:hump:
  10. SMNG2990

    Mandela White Satin??

    i was wondering if anyone had any experiance with mandela white satin i read it was low order and dose well unde rlower lighting? is there anyone that can back this up especallil on the smell thanks:mrgreen:
  11. SMNG2990

    any one have experance wiht whit satin??????

    i seen these seeds Mandala Seeds White Satin on attitude and i was wondering if anyone had any expernace with it its say could live with low lightand the biggest i would like to know if the smell is strong cause it says not super smelly any one have xperance wiht this plant:peace:
  12. SMNG2990

    Tobacco Grows?

    tabacco is easy to grow buy some seeds online there very tiny and legal to grow up to 100 plants and above is true curing is the hardest to due caus eo fhte heat and humidity need and time at least a year or its harsh and the bigest problem espcally where warm cause insects love tabacco plants...
  13. SMNG2990

    ight thanks

    ight thanks
  14. SMNG2990

    ? Coffea arabica 'Coffee Plant' ? w/pics

    i have grown two coffe plants and my current arabian plant i only place in sunlight once a week for eight hours use miracid plant food and grows like crazy the leaves are as big as pop cans
  15. SMNG2990

    Anyone know what plant this is???

    yea that is def not salvia d i have 3 plants grow them there easy once established but make sure you slowly induce it to a new humidity or you could kill it then there goes your investment of a 30-50 dollar plant
  16. SMNG2990

    Anyone have experience with catnip?

    afteer harvest some leaves dry them and make tea it real good and somewhat sedative great for if having a hard time falling asleep
  17. SMNG2990

    Diesel ryder ?

    whats the smell on it is is a strong smeel at 19 day old or dose it not smell just wondering caus ei was looking inot the dieasel but wonderng if the plant smells strong when not in any stage thanks
  18. SMNG2990

    nitrogen problem i belive

    no sorry no digi camera so cant post pics:neutral:
  19. SMNG2990

    nitrogen problem i belive

    so i looked up some problems in the plant section and my plant looks as if it has a nitrogen deficiecy the two bottom leaves of a my like 3 week old plant or turning yellow at the end so i belive ther is a lackof nitorgen how owuld i correct this problem wiht out spending money caus ie dont...
  20. SMNG2990

    seedling yellowing.PICS

    my plants having the same problem is there any way to get nitrogen wiht out buying a supe rhigh priced nitrgon supplement?