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  1. SiCoSkateboards

    i almost died last night...

    i guess i need a sync cable for my camera its a sony handycam, records right on discs but i dont have the drivers on this cpu...
  2. SiCoSkateboards

    i almost died last night...

    yea a 22 ouncer
  3. SiCoSkateboards

    favorite beer?

    labbat blue or labbat ice
  4. SiCoSkateboards

    i almost died last night...

    it was for the girls...we were screaming and yelling and videotaping the whole thing...haha
  5. SiCoSkateboards

    i almost died last night...

    fuck yea im workin on reformattn these videos, ill atleast get some pics when i change the bandage
  6. SiCoSkateboards


    yo i almost died...i cant believe that shit
  7. SiCoSkateboards

    i almost died last night...

    ok so get this. i was flying down a huge hill on my board with 2 of my buddies at like 130am. hit a rock, now i had a bottle in my hand in which i fell on. slicing my hand ,wrist,elbow,and my side with. i did think to get a video of the blood when i got home..went to the hospital, sat there for...
  8. SiCoSkateboards

    400 watt hps shed grow

    looks good dude. i wish i had those resorces
  9. SiCoSkateboards

    Yellow spots appearing on leaves..

    get a grow 3 weeks that box is going to be a prison for your babies. and invest in some fox farm nutes, and you can use the miracle grow soil, just water with ph'd water for first few times to break up the nutes in there before you add more nutes to prevent nute burn. and the term noob...
  10. SiCoSkateboards

    silver spots on my leaves?

    i dont go in there before the lights go on. i mist em about 30 mins after the light goes on.
  11. SiCoSkateboards

    Should I be Worried...Whats Obama going to do next

    with all the pictures we "photoshop" to put on this site there for sure going them take them seriously...
  12. SiCoSkateboards

    i saw cheech and chong live last night!

    it was fuckin dope...i traveled 200 go to some aditorium theater in some bum fuck city..but it was worth it...10,000 stoned people in 1 much pot smoke it was nuts. i had to lite i did
  13. SiCoSkateboards

    HELP! spidermites

    dont spray your buds with neem oil....dont fuckin spray your buds with anything besides water
  14. SiCoSkateboards

    easy drying

    just hang em in your closet on a coat hanger
  15. SiCoSkateboards

    silver spots on my leaves?

    im starting to get very tiny silver spots on my leaves tword the top half of my plant. is this because i mist them with water every morning?
  16. SiCoSkateboards

    Male or Female you tell me

    agreed but if i had to guess now id say those are pistols not pollen sacs
  17. SiCoSkateboards

    iPhone/iPod Touch App

    dude if you are able to do that please do i would dl that for my itouch in a second
  18. SiCoSkateboards

    Marijuana tat

    dont get it somewhere u can see easly..if you ever want to make more than 7.15 an hour.
  19. SiCoSkateboards

    bump if your stoned

    not in the right forum tho