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  1. Hemp4Victory

    Starting Fresh

    Recently we had tomato sauce that I simmered on the stove for roughly 5 for 6 hours. The beautiful thing about it (aside from knowing that it was sugar and preservative free) was that the basil, tomato, hot pepper, onion, parsley, zucchini, and the oregano all came from my garden. The only...
  2. Hemp4Victory

    Starting Fresh

    Literally eating the fruits of your own labour is the most rewarding feeling I know. You know exactly how the food was produced, you know everywhere that it has travelled and you know that it is safe and nutritious to put on your table. I think it makes it taste even better than it normally...
  3. Hemp4Victory

    Starting Fresh

    How is the harvest going? You must be pulling tons of tasty goodies out of there by now.
  4. Hemp4Victory

    Chernobyl and Wild West in a StinkBud System under 600W HPS

    Sorry for the shitty quality
  5. Hemp4Victory

    LST Gone Wrong, First Grow

    Fan depends on what you are looking for it to do, how big your space is, and how much money you are looking to spend. You need to be able to change the air in your room at least once every 4-5 minutes so you want a fan with a CFM rating of approximately 1/3 - 1/4 of your rooms total CFM. Finding...
  6. Hemp4Victory

    Chernobyl and Wild West in a StinkBud System under 600W HPS

    Just wanted to report in quickly and say that all is going well. The buds are getting heavy and starting to flop over. I'm going to have to tie things up soon so that they can finish fully without breaking the stems.
  7. Hemp4Victory

    How long cuttings can stay in water

    I have had cuttings sit in a cup of water for about 3 weeks before they even showed roots. Just have to make sure to change the water regularly and top it up when the clone has drank too much. You shouldn't have trouble keeping a cutting alive in just water for a month. If it does start to...
  8. Hemp4Victory

    Airy/Not dence nugs

    It could just be that he cut them down too early. That was my mistake in my first 2 grows. The breeder package said they would be done at a certain time and so I just assumed it'd be right. The buds felt somewhat dense and then as soon as they dried they were just airy little turds. Next go...
  9. Hemp4Victory

    Cloning in a Cup of Water

    It was only out for 3 minutes? You'll be fine. If it is out for a couple hours then you have a problem.
  10. Hemp4Victory

    LST Gone Wrong, First Grow

    Venting is easy to solve man you just need a stronger fan.
  11. Hemp4Victory

    LST Gone Wrong, First Grow

    How are the girls doing? If you make the cut early in flowering you wont cause any problems. Don't loaft long though or you will miss your window and just have to leave them. That's what happened to me this grow.
  12. Hemp4Victory

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I absolutely love this method. It is sooooo simple. I have never built the flower unit though. I flower in a veg unit and just chop the roots when they get too long. It seems to work just fine. The only battle is keeping the plants supported properly. That can be tough but with a screw or two...
  13. Hemp4Victory

    Round Three - 10 Pound Minimum Outdoor 2011

    This is VERY true.
  14. Hemp4Victory

    LST Gone Wrong, First Grow

    Personally I'd say buy some normal not fem seeds that aren't auto and take the time to find a great female, but that's just my opinion. There has to be a reason that most of the respectable breeders wont touch autos nor will they support feminized.
  15. Hemp4Victory

    Cloning in a Cup of Water

    I don't change my feeding schedule on my mother at all. It hasn't seemed to have negative or positive affects.
  16. Hemp4Victory

    Is my plant gonna bud...

    It should be ready to cut down around mid-late October. You won't be getting much from that skinny girl though.
  17. Hemp4Victory

    Starting Fresh

    That must be why my lettuce isn't growing. It's been really hot here recently. Perhaps it'll pick up this week. It's supposed to cool down. Any Idea if lettuce does well in partial shade? I might move it to a more shaded area of the yard.
  18. Hemp4Victory

    Starting Fresh

    I'm lucky I have a fence to tie mine too. If it gets much taller I'm going to have to give it a little trim.
  19. Hemp4Victory

    Starting Fresh

    Check out this crazy cherry tomato bush I have going on this year.
  20. Hemp4Victory

    Chernobyl and Wild West in a StinkBud System under 600W HPS

    Sorry for the long delay. I've been too lazy to do a post recently. I took a couple of pictures yesterday. Flowering is going well,but I am having trouble keeping them properly watered. I need about 4-8L per girl for every second day. It is getting ridiculous how thirsty they are. I think the...