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  1. Slipon

    JMD's #2 Indoor grow (hydroponic)

    look good, is it the beginning of tip burn`s I see ? maybe lower your Nitrogen/Veg nuts a bit and up the P/K Instead now she have begun to flower
  2. Slipon

    Fist LED grow

    agree, also according to my light meter (Lumens) the LEDs have about the same penetrations as my old 600W HPS and about 80% of the out put (agin Lumens) to be honest I don't really see any big different from the HPS, maybe 10% less weight, but also less power used and atlest as potent smoke, and...
  3. Slipon

    Other Side of the Fence...Where the Grass is Always Greener

    lol yea, must admit, I did had Myco in mind when I posted the pics :D know he love his Oil ;) couldn't resist to try it out right away :D had a small box of dry flimsy Bud`s from the first plant I harvested just used 1/8 or so to fill the pipe loose (did cut em up a bit) and used like 1/4...
  4. Slipon

    Other Side of the Fence...Where the Grass is Always Greener

    lol thanks Bro, but to be honest it just a 1/2 hour job and I did`t use much time on the finishing, but yea I guess you have to pick up sumthing after +20 years with in the field, used more time to thinking it out, so to speak, been in my mind for some time now as my old one did leak a bit of...
  5. Slipon

    Other Side of the Fence...Where the Grass is Always Greener

    Hi Ppl. :) Had a bit of spare time at work to day, so made a new "Oil maker" Just a pice of stainless steel pipe with a plastic end and cork sealing and two stainless steel disc welded together with a pice of stainless steel net (150 my) in-between and welded on to the pipe
  6. Slipon

    Danes Gum - 350W LED

    look great, tho the out side of the closed door`s scream to my inner cleaning maniac ;) is it Bc. the light is on "bloom" settings that the white LEDs is`t on ? I would for sure run em all if possible, the more light the better and the white also cover more of a full spectrum Ooh yea and I...
  7. Slipon

    Fist LED grow

    here is a picture of the main cola`s about dry, I probably Jar em tomorrow, have a little less then half as much of smaller side shoots and lower flimsy Bud`s in a small box I will use to make oil out of along with the trim
  8. Slipon

    led lights

    4 of them would rock, but thats like +1100 € !!
  9. Slipon

    led lights

    p.s. had a closer look at your link and its actually output power is rated at 175-185W and the spectrum is actually ok, not a bad fixture, but wont cover 120x120cm the actual panel is 30x30 so they at best cover 50x50 so minimum two is needed, 3-4 would be better, that or two of them and a few...
  10. Slipon

    led lights

    Don't seem`s too bad, but its a lot of Watt in one small Panel, thing with LEDs, beside they make next to no heat :) is that they don't spread the light out much :( nothing like a HPS, the LEDs is pretty one directed, I would try and find two smaller fixtures or even 4 UFO`s (good quality not...
  11. Slipon

    Other Side of the Fence...Where the Grass is Always Greener

    we can let her go around and hit her on turns
  12. Slipon

    Fist LED grow

    your absolutely right, most pistil`s you see is still white, them who did turn brown/orange early on is gone now, but I would still say maybe half where brown/orange or gone, if you look closer you can also see how they mature, as the lower part of the cola is mostly all brown pistils wile the...
  13. Slipon

    Fist LED grow

    depend on ages and light system/Par light and how you did your part etc. but I had a few "of them" and +3 oz would be a good guess, but with out pictures and more info its hard to say
  14. Slipon

    Fist LED grow

    yes the Auto is the one in the middle of the picture, with the highest top (main top) had like 10 days with a few watering where it got burned a bit on a few leave`s guess it was when it began to set flowers (day 21) I had to lower the Nitrogen a lot, but as I said, a few waterings/flushes and...
  15. Slipon

    Fist LED grow

    Well I use instant coffee glasses/jars and some sugar/flower jar´s works great Thats my first harvest from two plants under a 600W (a summer grow with +30C) gave me about 100g per plant, so thats like 25-30g per jar, tho don't fill em up more then 2/3 (I would say half) doing the curing...
  16. Slipon

    Other Side of the Fence...Where the Grass is Always Greener

    yea look great, and welcome, and why Heroin why not krokodill damn Im glad I grow pot
  17. Slipon

    Fist LED grow

    erm right :roll:
  18. Slipon

    Fist LED grow

    Takker, så har jeg røg til de næste en 2 månders tid :D så er fri for at køre på staden og støtte Rockerne og blive busted, og har vel også lige sparet en ca 7000 dkk ;) altså 50 dkk x 150g =7500 dkk og har vel brugt en ca 500 dkk i strøm, vand og hvad der ellers høre til, god time løn for en...
  19. Slipon

    Fist LED grow

    It is, maybe even a bit less, but I also talk dried and cured, ready to smoke, guess many others talk wet Bud`s or even cheat on the scale, Im talking real numbers of top quality Bud`s, my guess would be 5 oz of that and maybe +1 oz of lower flimsy Bud`s (I use to make oil of) but its still...
  20. Slipon

    Suggestions for new room?

    a 600W cover about 4x4 ft so if you have the space and money for it go for a tent that is about 4x4x6 and with a filter on the cool tube and a ventilation pulling air out of the tent you will have more or less odor free air, a small jar of ona gel for when they are in full flowering and when...