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  1. dankesthours182

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    if we had a training program to show ppl (like me) how to efficiently use the ENTIRE site i think we'd all have fewer headaches. I've been a part of RIU for several years, but it's been a while, and i've always found forums confusing AS HELL,,...... .so pleeeeeeease? please mods? please train us all
  2. dankesthours182

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    if ppl would just realize these simple things you have mentioned ALWAYS STAY THE SAME we'd get along better. leaves.... they represent the well being of your plant. this shoudl be a sticky, and if the questions are ever asked again .... then the post should be deleted (after pointing the new B...
  3. dankesthours182

    Strange Fetishes

    i love fetishes, hott, hott, hott, some are strange, but it's cool. i like feet, but i don't suck toes. i like anal sex, i'll rim a clean asshole, kinky is my thing, lol, i'm open minded. I like pregnant women, and i like to watch girls piss, weird, but my girl indulges me. LOL
  4. dankesthours182

    Indica or Sativa?

    aww she's a pretty lil thing. about those first leaves, i think they are s'posed to fall off, but i didn't read this entire thread so sum1 may have answered that already also, 1st grow, if you get a hlaf ounce or so cause you burnt your plant a lil, don't worry... better than my first grow, lol...
  5. dankesthours182

    New Logo For Rollitup. Org

    wait a minute, i don't know how to use illustrator, and though i understand that it would make sense for a person with some know-how to do this ,but if an artist sent in an image, and it was good enough, couldn't you guys have somebody do the rest? i don't even know what Illustrator is...
  6. dankesthours182

    Sativa outdoor new england whata you think?

    this solution may sound simplistic, but grow them in the buckets/pots/whatever and if it gets tooo rough for them get them into a greenhouse. it'd be easy to ghetto rig one up for a few weeks i'd imagine, and if the plants are looking like they're going to produce for you by that time you'll be...
  7. dankesthours182

    Methodical, scientific approach to nutrients and nutrient formulations discussion

    hey thanks a million fatman, ben; I'll be checking out those links you pointed us to. i hate to clutter the forums, but i needed to know quick. Thanks again.
  8. dankesthours182

    Methodical, scientific approach to nutrients and nutrient formulations discussion

    wooooooowwww..... i'm so lost. ok so the dyna gro is DEF what i'm gonna go with but that said, i use the 9-3-6 for veg then 3-12-6 for flower or... or am i just... jeez, i'm just a kid. lol, i think i'm going to change my minor to botany so i may get sum uv this stuff.. please help ...
  9. dankesthours182

    Overpriced Nutrients..get better nutrients for a lower price

    ok what is N and P nitrogen and potassium??? i'[m so lost.. why can't i just grow some ganja? *tear***
  10. dankesthours182

    Overpriced Nutrients..get better nutrients for a lower price

    also, just because, HG420baby, AN found a few products in the industry that dont work to grow pot and then made a fancy video about it, doesn't mean they are the best. but for the price they damn well better grow pot!
  11. dankesthours182

    Overpriced Nutrients..get better nutrients for a lower price

    sorry i posted too soon. thanks fatman
  12. dankesthours182

    Overpriced Nutrients..get better nutrients for a lower price

    i love seeing some nice intellect on this site, it's awesome and what it's all about (fatman and jack) but i really need to know which nutes to get. that said, i'm so intruiged by people such as yourself that i lose my initial direction and veer off into politics. LOL which isn't helping me...
  13. dankesthours182

    Overpriced Nutrients..get better nutrients for a lower price

    an interesting debat, but obviously chem nutes are optomal. now i'm interested in finding the right nutes for my plants from non hydro/mj growers specialty businesses. i used to think i could trust those places, but logically it makes sense that they are in fact catering to a smaller number of...