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  1. jfgordon1

    God This Makes Me Laugh...Atheists vs Christians.

    All I have to say here is... Fight Fire with Fire motha fuckas :blsmoke:
  2. jfgordon1

    Health, Fitness, & Bodybuilding

    Agreed, nothing like going back to the pad after being sore (especially after leg day) and lighting one up :weed:
  3. jfgordon1

    Sup RIU, check it out

    I disagree.... i believe it's called "wucha-mucall-it" :lol:
  4. jfgordon1

    Health, Fitness, & Bodybuilding

    ^ god i hope not :lol:
  5. jfgordon1

    Just Smoking a J and listening to the Police

    There's a pursuit going on! i'm rooting for the red truck to get away! :lol:
  6. jfgordon1

    Health, Fitness, & Bodybuilding

    I had to work. I couldn't make it :cry:.
  7. jfgordon1

    Health, Fitness, & Bodybuilding

    i like that too. my buddy just won the Arnold Classic last weekend (don't want to say what event for privacy reasons)
  8. jfgordon1

    Health, Fitness, & Bodybuilding

    So... you want to be a tease :lol:
  9. jfgordon1

    Health, Fitness, & Bodybuilding

    I wish i knew how to box :(
  10. jfgordon1

    Health, Fitness, & Bodybuilding

    I personally wouldn't recommend that... but... too each their own :mrgreen:
  11. jfgordon1

    Health, Fitness, & Bodybuilding

    yeah, same here. I think it's the best way imo
  12. jfgordon1

    Health, Fitness, & Bodybuilding

    Agreed, except for legs/cardio. IDK about you, after doing legs... i can barely walk. You couldn't force me to jump on a treadmill
  13. jfgordon1

    Health, Fitness, & Bodybuilding

    What do you people think about pyramids? I almost swear by'em but my workout partner doesn't.
  14. jfgordon1

    Health, Fitness, & Bodybuilding

    i've never had a 6 pack, and probably never will... and i'm ok with that :D A flat stomach is good enough for me. I enjoy being "thicker" anyway.
  15. jfgordon1

    Health, Fitness, & Bodybuilding

    Yeah, i'm going to start taking it again in a couple weeks for my post cycle. A loooot of pissing with that stuff lol oh well
  16. jfgordon1

    Health, Fitness, & Bodybuilding

    I suggest you don't drink diet cola. IMO it's worse than the real thing. they have a poison called aspertame that is terrible for you. If you have to drink something besides water, go with a juice of some sorts. I LOVE cranberry juice, drink it straight out of the bottle. Another thing (...
  17. jfgordon1

    What Are You Watching???

    I was vapeing and watching Year 1 with jack black... was pretty funny at first, then i passed out :( Probably gona watch it again tonight and start from the very beginning. I don't remember a much
  18. jfgordon1

    RIU Lurkers SUCK!

    What sucks is when it's 3 in the morning, no one is posting, and there's 70+ viewers on toke n' talk. Lets get the convos flowing mutha fuckas!
  19. jfgordon1


    I don't think you can blame facebook for that. :lol: