water them really really well, then put the pots in trash bags, water them again, then ziptie the trash bag closed around the stem. and besure and take them off as soon as u can.
Well, as you head through security, look for the full body scanning equipment. ( they usually ahve 1 or two per check point) and don't go through that line! stick to the metal detector lines :P
it sure is, you can find all of that stuff at home depot or even wal-mart. - oh and the molasses would work well to feed the soil the carbohydrates it needs ~
go get some black cow manure and perlite (10$) and some OSMOCOTE (10$) a time released 2 month soil fert. and mix it with your soil. then just water with water till harvest.
you have a twin.. this happens some times, two seedlings from one seed. it's a 2 for 1 bonus. I would let them grow together, just use string to pull them away from each other :P u can seperate them but u could kill one or both.
I grew out some Himalayan Blue Diesel and Afghan kush ryder - all feminized. I only experienced the bananas on the HBD. I wouldnt grow HBD again, but the AKR was like skunky coffee and smoked sooo good!!
Mold? i dont know.. i woldnt saturate the thing with water.. mist it to keep down on the particulate that will fly into the air. if you dont have 50% humidity already i don't know what your concern is. i mean it is a plant, they have historically been rained on for thousands of years.
The best thing u can do is mist it with water, and tweeze it off. but your going to see them start developing all over.. i usually leave them alone and chop after a few days. seeds dont form over night. @ day 63 u should be close to harvest anyway :P hopefully less than 10 days or so,.
so much for feminized. HOWEVER!! hold on to some polen and make your own seeds by pollinating a female your about to germinate - so you have your own seed stock of auto flowers :D