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  1. worm5376

    What's Up Jersey Growers?

    If it's in October maybe i can go as a slightly early B-day gift to myself. That would be the shit.. Keep us inform wouldya. I wouldn't mind being at a fest with like minded people, Plus weed seems to be the Only substance that DOES NOT ruin or interfere with my Day to day life. That's the...
  2. worm5376

    BIN LADIN May Be Dead............It's A Great Day

    All i wanted from our Government was to say "he's dead". Bout fucking time they told us. The war is psychological as much as it is anything else.
  3. worm5376

    BIN LADIN May Be Dead............It's A Great Day

    At the end of the day when alls said and done, I love my country. If you DO NOT like it here go elsewhere. No one is holding you back chief. You're free to leave.. GTFO! /
  4. worm5376

    3 Word Story

    Bleeding Butt-Hole...
  5. worm5376

    Messed up edible experience - cannabutter

    Man, that was some good butter! Well you know that you can make butter so thats a plus. This experience sounds just like the cop that got fucked up and dialed As long as you are alright and your wifey does not want to kill you, no harm done.. Just REALLLY strong butter IMHO..
  6. worm5376

    BIN LADIN May Be Dead............It's A Great Day

    I still want to see definitive Proof. They need to stop fucking around and release a few fucking pics!
  7. worm5376


    I've been acting a mother fucking Fool. But I'm back the fuck on my saddle. Figa-fucking-Feel-me.
  8. worm5376


    Do what the FUCK you gotta DO....
  9. worm5376

    BIN LADIN May Be Dead............It's A Great Day

    What a rude terrorist...:roll: :lol:
  10. worm5376

    BIN LADIN May Be Dead............It's A Great Day

    Make sure to paint your artillery Pink ! :)
  11. worm5376

    BIN LADIN May Be Dead............It's A Great Day

    Who's Next.....:fire:
  12. worm5376

    I can't stop laughing

    I laughed so fucking hard.. ahahahahaha that shit right there made my day. I gotta watch it again dude.. +rep
  13. worm5376

    BIN LADIN May Be Dead............It's A Great Day

    Bout fucking time...Rant/
  14. worm5376

    Why are girls so complicated

    nonsense. They are fucking crazy... In a womens eyes, so are we...
  15. worm5376

    Does this Count as a Date?

    April, all you have to do is pick a movie that sucks, shit gets reeeeal interesting when movies suck. You have no choice but to watch a lame ass movie or talk thru it.
  16. worm5376

    The Secrets to Becoming Sucessful

    Barney does not have the Pauly D hair cut and the Staten Island accent ..
  17. worm5376

    Does this Count as a Date?

    Just remember, if he gives you a fossil watch you should atleast give him a hand job.
  18. worm5376

    3 Word Story

    heart broken Rob
  19. worm5376

    3 Word Story

    I'm dead inside
  20. worm5376

    Mr. Ganja

    (Applauds, applauds). He'll be here all week and tickets are free. Tell another one man, keep'em comin!..:clap: j/k :lol: