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  1. mr.x007

    Anyone in Central florida growing outside?

    aaahahahaha. yeah ive only heard great things about this so called "sun" where can i get my hands on this amazing light source?
  2. mr.x007

    Anyone in Central florida growing outside?

    I'm currently on the western coast of central FL. A partner and I have a plan set for late feb. flowering outside. We will be starting the plants in a cab, and then toss em outside after the last frost. Do you plan on starting the plants then or are you going to start them inside 1st? The...
  3. mr.x007


    Dude i feel for ya. its a sickening feeling knowing you have been robbed. Some bastard tried to rip the ac unit out of my window with tools he had stole from are garage. Well he did get in and there waited my 95lb pit bull. For some reason she wont bark and growl till they are actually in the...
  4. mr.x007

    4th grow/ 1st indoor!

    Well the light fell on the 3 remaining plants, about 3 days ago. Significant damage. Nice crisp brown color, with a hint of droopiness. Well I haven't been turning the lights on thinking they where dead. Went and check on them today and saw new nice green growth!!!! Fingers crossed. Put a small...
  5. mr.x007

    what is the biggest yield someone has got with bubbleponics

    You just love stalking me now dont u email. lol just jokingggg we seem to be helping each other out help the others with the questions
  6. mr.x007

    A tip to you growers

    alrighty homie. wish i could pack up. 22 more days!!!!!!! woohooooo
  7. mr.x007

    A tip to you growers

    O sheet!! aaahahaha
  8. mr.x007

    A tip to you growers

    Lol thanks. Im not up to date on all this internet lingo. BTW? lol i know I'm a rere.
  9. mr.x007

    grow room ideas

    Speaker boxes, cfls. Rubbermaids cfls. a small cab cfls. a bigger cab maybe run 150w hps. ventilation is a must
  10. mr.x007

    A tip to you growers

    sound great man!!!:joint::joint::joint::peace::peace::peace:
  11. mr.x007

    A tip to you growers

    All i can say is find your self a plant problem solver chart and if something pops up in a few days. We know what is going on. edit:Cannabis Nutrient and Deficiency Table there you go
  12. mr.x007

    what is the biggest yield someone has got with bubbleponics

    There are so many variables in this situation Dave.:peace::peace::peace::joint::joint::joint:
  13. mr.x007

    A tip to you growers

    Always some one has to dare some one into some thing. lol That actuly sounds pretty much on the correct side. "beach" How long did you say you have been watering like this?
  14. mr.x007

    A tip to you growers

    Thank ya! back in the day when i had a decent sized plant would of produced maybe 5 Oz's outdoors i ran a air pump with a T and had loose soil, thanks to a coco blend. I ran the air lines down to the root ball. Never got to test the results. I was a newbie back then and thought every thing under...
  15. mr.x007

    First grow room, need some suggestions

    Well thank you email. Yours aren't to shabby either.:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::joint::joint::joint::peace:
  16. mr.x007

    A tip to you growers

    Well y'all are correct on the roots needing O, but if you say the carbed water makes the soil loose and airy. Once the c02 has disapated O will be able to get to the roots easier, thanks to the loose soil.
  17. mr.x007

    treetop growing idea and setup..

    Thank you BayLeagacy
  18. mr.x007

    treetop growing idea and setup..

    See now I hope you didn't get offended by what i said. Some of us here on RollItUp like to joke around. I was just wondering as to why some one would put a picture of their self looking vary young and there birth date. As far as to your idea. I can't remember his name but some one did a journal...
  19. mr.x007

    First grow room, need some suggestions

    I understand you would like to keep it on the inexpensive side, but you might wan't to check in to grow tents. easy controled atmosphere with vents and 100% light proff. Any guest that my look will most likly think its a portable closest for clothes. Just a thought
  20. mr.x007

    treetop growing idea and setup..

    US Law statute 420A.420 Strictly states that you must be born before 1991 to legally grow marijuana.