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  1. S

    Buying house with cash?

    5000$ - 7500$ total for house. I see it as a good investment as long as it don't draw suspicion. I can pull 2 per light so I'll recouped my investment pretty quick
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    Buying house with cash?

    Would it be safe to buy a fixer up house for around 5000-7500 without alerting irs? Or is that a bad idea would be using house to run a few 1000 watt lights and veg light while fixing up.
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    Are bud trimmers worth it?

    What do you guys think about the model I posted. It looks similar to trim pro
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    Are bud trimmers worth it?

    I think I'm gonna try it tired 3 full days of trimming
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    Are bud trimmers worth it?

    Looking at this one on ebay. Anyone had any experience with these.
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    Ebay bud trimmer?

    Looking at a trimmer on ebay called trim reaper pro for 339 was wondering if anyone had any experience with these and how they cut and loudness. Looks like a knock off of some other one says 400+ sold so I'm assuming it's decent. Anyone know about these
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    Buying house cfd inspection?

    Was wondering if Ur buying a house contract for deed would the landLord still be able to inspect?
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    Matrix grow tents

    Was wanting to see if anyone has experience with them. U can get a 10 x 10 for 400 on ebay. Looks like gorilla grow tent knock with the gorilla lite line metal poles.
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    The 8'x8' Perpetual Dream........

    Try critical kush barneys farm has both yield and potency
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    Critical Kush (Barneys Farm)

    U should add some botanicare hydrogaurd to help Combat and prevent roor issues
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    10 x 10 tent reflector question

    Would 4 1000 watt blockbuster hoods be good or would 4 magnum xxxl be better or about same. Already have 2 blockbusters that's why I asked
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    Do these buds look small for day 25?

    This will be 3rd cycle with bulbs will be replacing next run
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    Do these buds look small for day 25?

    Those look healthy what nutrients u using I think there might be a little claw not sure
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    Do these buds look small for day 25?

    Yes I'm always count from flip. Idk I've grown this strain before and it seemed bigger who knows maybe it's just me critical kush is a cross of critcal mass and of kush maybe it's just this pheno is more og
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    Do these buds look small for day 25?

    Strain is barneys farm critical kush day 25 of flower. I've been using sensi coco bloom which is a 4 4 5. I'm wondering if maybe the excess nitrogen could be affecting bud progress they do look pretty healthy tho. It's my first run with sensi coco nutrients
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    Day 14 flower signs of mag deficiency

    Idk Im just gonna document this last grow of this strain for reference and am gonna go back to critcal kush strain I can get good yields with. The first run on this strain went damn near perfect running same nutes and ec.
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    Day 14 flower signs of mag deficiency

    Day 28 watered with just 250 ppm of calmag runoff between 700-900.
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    Day 14 flower signs of mag deficiency

    here they are at day 23 it is still progressing I watered with cns 17 ripe as I think it might be a phosphorus deficiency. Guess will see how they look at day 28
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    Day 14 flower signs of mag deficiency

    Day 19 of flowerPlants starting to show more signs of the deficiency. I don't really think it's burn. I flushed then watered yesterday with 700 ppm ph to 5.6 runoff off was pretty consistent with every pot reading 6.4 with around 680-750 ppm. Lower leaves have be dying for awhile now.