Search results

  1. Joedank

    First Grow: Did I prune too much? Should I prune any more?

    Looks just about perfect to me buddy!
  2. Joedank

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Busted that’s my jerk sock I rarely wash it
  3. Joedank

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  4. Joedank

    Compound HQ's Grows

    Thanks for the shirt my man!
  5. Joedank

    Plant Time Genetics

    Subbed up best of luck in this venture !
  6. Joedank

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Not funny bra...
  7. Joedank

    Spinosad or Bt?

    I use neem weekly up to point where you see flower clusters form . Week 2 indoors then I stop
  8. Joedank

    Spinosad or Bt?

    I like to give it a few weeks to metabolize before harvest. But the bottle says 2 days yikes!
  9. Joedank

    Spinosad or Bt?

    I have used both and Spinosad works best for caterpillars. BT is great on borers and soil based pests IME
  10. Joedank

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Those dudes at work the art institute corners with the street wise newspapers Are super pushy but I am glad they are trying ! I can only imagine What the bucket boys are like
  11. Joedank

    100 or 200 gallon final pot?

    well after having done 100’s of plants in smart pots And having a few fall apart in my hands . I prefer just to toss them in the soil with the smart pot still on and avoid the transplant shock. to each there own.
  12. Joedank

    100 or 200 gallon final pot?

    I recommend just dropping that fabric pot into a 200 gallon without trying to take it out of the fabric 20 gal unless you’re going to cut it open I have had very poor success with fabric pots transplanting and the roots gtow straight through the fabric pots with no problems
  13. Joedank

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    4 females 2 males on the kosher kush breath. just about to flip them . Pics tomorrow
  14. Joedank

    What I need to do now???

    well just keep the plant alive and don’t get caught
  15. Joedank

    What I need to do now???

    Keep it alive!
  16. Joedank

    How to irrigated outdoor plants in summer?

    Mulch hay or soil . Or just water at 5 am with a timer on the hose
  17. Joedank

    Control odor & sterilize your room air + surfaces 24/7 + eliminate PM

    O3 (corona produced ozone ) has a reputation for killing terpenoids on the plant . Does this product do that?
  18. Joedank

    Bob Bitchen's buds

    This makes me so excited for the 6 foot chicken dinner’s i got going!
  19. Joedank

    Accidentally topped dressed oyster shell flour 4th week flowering

    i agree here in theory but Humic and fulvic acid change cation Movement within the roots (cec) in a soilsubstrate . So those bonds formed can be broken .
  20. Joedank

    What did you accomplish today?

    What is up with those locking carabiners? You a climber?