Great post/thread!
I'd like to see people start to think for themselves instead of following the right or left with blind devotion...Do their own research and stop following the crooks on capital hill.
Remember when the feds threatened to cut off highway dollars to the states if they didn't set the legal drinking age to 21? Why didn't they do that with healthcare reform??
(I'd like to see one political thread/debate based on facts instead of partisan politics!)
I haven't been a member here for very long, but posting the same thing multiple times in multiple threads is spamming. Maybe the mods don't know that.
Still no links or evidence posted where political leaders made threats against anyone?
Auto Insurance is mandated by the state not the federal government. Not only that...I can choose not to drive or own a car. If I choose not to live then I would get out of the health insurance mandate.
National sales tax = maybe. Unless you can explain how they plan to pay for...
Can't blame ya, but I blame them all.
I know the people will pay for it. How? More taxes? National sales tax? Even better, legalize weed, regulate and tax it.
"I'd like a pack of Marlboro Kush please"
I'm afraid GA will be among the last states to ignore MJ or make it legal. It's in the bible belt (a church every couple hundred feet), ultra conservative, and doesn't allow beer or booze to be sold on Sunday.
Sucks for us GA residents, but oh well.
can you geniuses explain why america gave away its industry to its supposed enemy?
Yes. Money! Duh
Seriously though...Blaming Bush for everything wrong is getting old and stale. Anyone who has held a seat in congress over the last 60 years is to blame.
Let us know what was reformed. Seriously... 'Cause I don't plan on reading thousands of pages written in secret attorney language.
If you can't tell me then it's a great day for political agendas...nothing more.:hump:
LOL. It seems like they all have a lisp if you pay attention to the media and never have contact with real gays. I've known quite a few and none had a lisp.
It's a funny stereotype and I like it though.