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  1. Benassi

    3 Word Story

    and a coke
  2. Benassi

    [How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

    Turned some Mendo grown Purple Trainwreck into oil :) after 1st vac calmed will update when I transfer to the FDD dish :)
  3. Benassi

    Watched The Military Channel The Other Day And...........

    I'm not the blind troll trying to get attention by bashing an entire people in times of hard ship. Therefor, dick in your mouth. Un sub'd, blocked, ignored. Keep being the cliche blind American you are, you might just end up in office :roll: and by the way... just to let you know how...
  4. Benassi

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    HAHAHAHAHA I've created a monster!!!! :lol: In other news, I just woke up at 2pm hungover from being at Pechanga Casino until 6am fucked up on Ciroc hahahahaha where the fuck did that $300 go :lol:
  5. Benassi

    Watched The Military Channel The Other Day And...........

    I don't know if you're blind or just retarded but we've had the cure... the government has had a patent on the cure. They will just never allow any one to use it because they'd rather have that billions of cash flow from deadly pharmaceuticals. You really that blindly patriotic to this piece of...
  6. Benassi

    Watched The Military Channel The Other Day And...........

    Abortion sends babies to God faster.
  7. Benassi

    Watched The Military Channel The Other Day And...........

    Same people behind most fucked up acts in the world? AMEEEEEERIIIICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FUCK YEAH! Funding murderers to save the mother fucking DAY YEAH!
  8. Benassi

    Watched The Military Channel The Other Day And...........

    It's hard enough to move a town away and get work... but I love the people like you who say "well why don't you leave then!"... yeah ok, I'll just head out the door right now... land in Australia... and starve homeless. WOOOOOOOOOOO Lol trolling troll is trolling. /thread
  9. Benassi

    Watched The Military Channel The Other Day And...........

    What did your parents do to deserve you?
  10. Benassi

    420 washington d.c

    Yeah, I'm going to be holding a gathering on 420 in Washington D.C. We're all going to get high and then go on a murderous rampage with a giant kitchen knife to honor Reefer Madness as being the most accurate information the government has ever released. AMERI-FAIL! FUCK YEAH!!!!
  11. Benassi

    Watched The Military Channel The Other Day And...........

    Ok look at what Japan openly did... then think of the thousand of atrocious, despicable, horrific things this fuck up of a country has done. Just so you know, in case you don't remember... we nuked the ever loving shit out of them for the things they've done. Just wait until someone strong...
  12. Benassi


    These bitches don't know 'bout my skittles, man...
  13. Benassi

    Why Kinect Fails?

    Because man! ALIENS!!!!!!! Fuck the government, I scream plots to overthrow them into my TV a least 7 times a day.
  14. Benassi

    How high does hash/Keif/oils get you?

    Unless you smoke oil dabs all day like weed, then it just gets you high after a while.
  15. Benassi

    Social Security Number

    Fuck a social security number, nigga. I'm protected. 402-35-9816
  16. Benassi

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Haven't smoked in 24 whole hours... longest I've gone without it in over 3 years. Just treated myself to a Purple Trainwreck bowl with Kush Wax on top, then a bowl of Berry White x OG with more Kush Wax on top... FUCKBAKED BUMP
  17. Benassi

    How high does hash/Keif/oils get you?

    Depends on tolerance... but for people who have never hit oil or hash, EVER... oh boy are you in for geekin' treat hahahahahaha Prepare to either; A) Laugh uncontrollably for 30 minutes straight B) Sit on the floor and pretend to be on your phone for 50 minutes high as shit fuck These are all...
  18. Benassi

    Top Fuel

    Fucking sick read, man. +rep for that Those facts are craaaaaazy
  19. Benassi

    Anyone Here From Japan?

    Looks to me like mother earth is evicting niggas...
  20. Benassi

    Just Like That, I Quit.

    Best advice is actually want to quit, and then do it. If you yourself don't truly want to quit, and you're doing it for some stupid reason like a girlfriend or saving money... it wont happen. Put them down, and stop smoking them. If I can watch a tweaker put his crackpipe in a sock, smash it...