Thanks everyone. I have been using some covered drinking containers, and i have noticed the water getting "cloudy" and some kind of light film on the surface. maybe the refrigerator idea isnt too bad if I pulled it out to get to room temp an hour before.
oh yea, i have been eyeing that kimber compact .45 with laser grips for a while now :) I put the crimson trace laser grips on my XD 40, wouldn't trust anything else to do the job.
I personally like living in a concealed carry state. I like knowing that if a criminal decides to use a weapon, there is a chance that I or someone is else in close proximity has a ccw permit and can neutralize the situation, possibly saving lifes.
Just because the Taliban doesnt have video footage of their roadside bombings or suicide bombings does not make their warfare on the public/governemnt/police/military any less horrifying. Too bad wikileaks wouldnt show the video of Taliban leaders sending suicide bombers on their missions and...
There is a difference between:
ambient temps - The Temperature of the air in your room - what most thermometers pick up
plant matter temp- The temperature of your plant. - An infrared thermometer is a great way to see what your actual temps on the plants are. Even in 88 degrees your plant...
Dear God Thank YOU: KFC's Chicken-as-Bread Sandwich Is Coming
Are you looking to commit suicide very slowly with food? KFC is here to help...
I've been mixing my Technoflora nutrients (B.C. Boost, B.C. Grow. Thrive Alive, Magical, Sugar daddy) by the gallon. I don't quite use both gallon of nutrient. How long will this keep? Can i use it the following day or even the day after?
I've been mixing my Technoflora nutrients (B.C. Boost, B.C. Grow. Thrive Alive, Magical, Sugar daddy) by the gallon. I don't quite use both gallon of nutrient. How long will this keep? Can i use it the following day or even the day after?
i bet its your lighter setting flint sparks on fire. and i dont care how green ur weed is, or how much nutes were in the medium when u harvested, bud doesnt sparkle when lit.