it seems im gettin about 6-8g per. my next large harvest is in on sunday. actually maybe sooner. my computer has been in the shop for so fucking long they're taking forever and i am not a happy customer. geez. but this new harvest is with Gravity so we'll see how it differs. will post...
how hard is it to go aero? im growing in soil and wanna know if its possible to skip hydro and learn how to grow aero without knowing anything about hydro?
hellza nice. autos seem like the way to go. the only shitty part about them is that u hafta buy expensive ass seeds every time. seed runs could work of course but fuck that shit
strain is what determines thc %. u can grow the same strain multiple ways to increase or decrease yield and i believe it will all taste and smoke and get you high the same. in other words i dont think increased yield means decreased thc.