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  1. newb weed grower

    want yalls opinion

    i havent heard anything about using chocolate but hmm i bet it turns out ok somehow im gonna make a plant solely grown by fruit 2 o grape then im gonna roll my weed in grape papers its gonna be awsome i hope hmm chocolatre tho hhahahhaha a great valentines gift lol god i have issues
  2. newb weed grower

    want yalls opinion

    oh and its all because i join this site everyone here gave me amazing tips i didnt know nything at all when i started now i feel like i can grow them in my own hands thx riu couldnt have got it with out you aww i remember my very first noob questions like what bulb to use and i asked what soil...
  3. newb weed grower

    want yalls opinion

    im asking the creative questions only because i enjoy the adventure of doing different things and if i get into something i usually am sort of a nut at it all i know is that i have 7 soil plants going about a foot tall each except 2 not so big may kill and i also have my own hydro system i made...
  4. newb weed grower

    want yalls opinion

    i can see lmint doing well since its so easily noticed hmm i suppose i am beaten yet i wish i had been the first to think of also is their a way to make your bud turn into a color like by adding a die to your feed or by foliar feeding it to it
  5. newb weed grower

    want yalls opinion

    ok here me out here i know im being dumb and thinking simple and stuff but what if you were to use fruit2o on your plants i mean flavored water equals flavored weed right who knows i have done no reserch on this and am only doing this so that way more eledgible ppl may im saying distill the...
  6. newb weed grower

    Growing In a Fish Tank

    ok im the artistic noob right here ive learned alot from this sight and i have a great answer its so amazingly good im gonna make u read my next sentence without saying it lol get a plastic tank i have a cheap 20 galln tank perfect for a few plants about 8 drill holes in tyhe bottom alsp hot...
  7. newb weed grower

    First Grow, New England area, outdoors, PROBLEMS! PICS!

    wow i hope u get plenty females but dont count it out yet some ive seen look like balls then turn around 360 and be female producing crap tons of buds believe in ur babys lol either way i wish the best of luck to you and a cheer hoping that it would get you stoned
  8. newb weed grower

    First CFL grow, 368 actual watts.

    not try too i wanted the answer from him
  9. newb weed grower

    my soil help

    thx i will in about 2 days when i get my check i have a few extra seeds too so it cant hurt i have neem oil ill use for natrs and stuff
  10. newb weed grower

    my soil help

    i was just trying to find a seedling and small plant grower ok
  11. newb weed grower

    my soil help

    ill have to get the name for u all i will get a pick as well and then i hope someone may be able to help
  12. newb weed grower

    First CFL grow, 368 actual watts.

    ok i wanna know i keep trying to grow bagseeds i have 2 23 watt cfls on the about 8 inches away and they dont live past seedling stage their temp is 82 degrees and humidity is ok too and i have a fan on the bulbs they get too about an inch tall then they dont grow at all and thats about it im...
  13. newb weed grower

    my soil help

    ok here it is ok at dollar general they sell soil organic for 5 dollars a bag ita only like 2 pounds of it it sais 5-5-5 on it and i was hoping to see if that will do ok for a seedling insteda of my shit dirt i have right now any suggestions would be great:weed:
  14. newb weed grower

    my idea i hope im right on this

    well actually this time i ended up seeing it shrivel up from lack of water see my bulbs are pretty hot and well yah i honestly was hardly even caring for it this time i underwatered but yah i messed up a lil and well it bites but the other seedling is cool
  15. newb weed grower

    my idea i hope im right on this

    well bad and good news the tiny unhealthy lil; guy died but its underling which was only 3 days old is alredy bigger and more healthy i think my last one was just a bad seed but its doing nice and growing fast
  16. newb weed grower

    needing some help and advice

    well that why i was mad about it its not as big as i see others i mean in comparison its down right puny
  17. newb weed grower

    my idea i hope im right on this

    hmm ill go back to more light then but thtey were doing better from it i needed to add an inch so there harder to kill off and i accomplished that
  18. newb weed grower

    my idea i hope im right on this

    wow well i mean that i think if they get twice the lumens and have a longer sleep that i can get it to be tall and wont need as much attension
  19. newb weed grower

    needing some help and advice

    wow thx and actually its doing better it was stunted from a over watering towards the beggining
  20. newb weed grower

    my idea i hope im right on this

    ok here is what i did i now have 2 cfl bulbs on my seedling and i also increased its sleep time to 8 hours im hoping itl take it more lumens then grow fast in sleep that way its getting more lumens then before and having sleep i chose this after it purked up to the light its chasing it and im...