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  1. AeroKing

    Multiple bulbs in vertical grow - inefficient?

    This is exactly what I'm talking about. That makes sense. I'm saying I keep seeing threads(not just RIU) on vert grows that are using two bulbs hung next to each other in the middle and no plants between. It just seems like a waste to me. I'm trying to plan a vert project and I'm just looking...
  2. AeroKing

    GH 3 PART feed schedule HELP

    The buffer zone. It's not a buffer zone, it's a range that may work for you, depending on what the plant needs or can handle - which is based on genetics. Some strains or pheno's thrive at very different nute loads and ratios than others.
  3. AeroKing

    Mirrors as Reflectors

    Plants absorb light best when diffused throughout it's leaves. Hot spots are counterproductive. You're asking those specific leaves that are receiving the bulk of the light to do the bulk of the work, then the plant has to transport all that energy throughout the rest of the plant.
  4. AeroKing

    65 watt (300 equiv) at lowes for 16.95

    Are you sure it fits in a normal socket? Most of these lamps are made for a mogul socket. It looks the same, it's just a little bit bigger.
  5. AeroKing

    Multiple bulbs in vertical grow - inefficient?

    Roseman, I don't disagree with your use of lights. I'm speaking of colloseum type grows with the lighting in the center, surrounded by plants.
  6. AeroKing

    how to build a fogaponic coliseum

    Have you researched fogponics? I've read several attempts at cloners that have failed. I've never seen an operable flowering fogponics system. The closest thing I've seen used an adapted humidifier. I have seen hybrid systems that seemed to work well. These integrated intermittent aeroponic...
  7. AeroKing

    My grow room needs commented on

    CFLs are good for growing, t5 floros are better and HIDs are best. But this is all relative as adding a bigger light is counterproductive if you can't keep heat in check.
  8. AeroKing

    Multiple bulbs in vertical grow - inefficient?

    The primary benefit of vertical growing is that you take advantage of 360' around the bulb, and the floor below, right? So, for the many vert setups that use 2 bulbs, are you not counteracting this benefit by having the light between the 2 bulbs being wasted? Shouldn't all vert grows be done...
  9. AeroKing

    Hydro Meter... pH, ppm, ev, temp, etc

    Hanna is a good meter. E.C. = TDS = PPM Even if you don't read it in E.C., all tds meters are e.c. meters. Some convert to PPM. Do yourself a favor: If you can afford it, get all your calibration solutions (packets are more convenient than bottles), electrode cleaning solution and storage...
  10. AeroKing

    My 1st setup :) (PLEASE COMMENT)

    Several coats of black fusion plastic spray paint followed by a coat or two of white. Sleeper is right. You don't have enough water in your res. Consider adding a 2nd res and recirculate 24/7. He/she is also correct about the light. Consider CFLs if budget is an issue. 42w CFLs are about $10 ea.
  11. AeroKing

    Did you neg rep me?

    Did you neg rep me?
  12. AeroKing

    Idea for single cabinet perpetual harvet

    Be careful. Not all bulbs can be angles like that.
  13. AeroKing

    400w Closet grow design, need help (Pics)

    Once light makes it below the surface of the pots, no reflective surface will bring it back up to the plants. Yes, but height may become an issue. Consider a SOG. IMO, cartridges are a tremendous waste of money and once a week will likely have no noticable affect. If you don't want to spend...
  14. AeroKing

    watts per plant?

    How tall are your plants? If you only have a couple of cfls sitting above each plant, you won't get much light down to the bottom or insides of the canopy.
  15. AeroKing

    When can you tell clones are gonna survive?

    You can start in plugs or rockwool first. You can also just start in the dirt and watch for signs of new foliar growth.
  16. AeroKing

    why isnt there resin on my plants?

    Have you considered external variables? Are you supplying enough co2? What about potential air pollution? New paint/caulk? Fumes from car exhuast? Solvents stored near op? Are your rootzones too cold? Maybe your missing some key nutrients or micro nutrient? You may consider trying a...
  17. AeroKing

    Need help building a grow box

    I think you could make that work with proper ventilation. Consider using t5 strip lights wrapped around the circumference.
  18. AeroKing

    GH 3 PART feed schedule HELP

    one word: genetics
  19. AeroKing

    Magnifying Lenses To increase yeild

    Yep, that's why they sell diffusers for lights...
  20. AeroKing

    Aero pumps PLEASE HELP

    If you are not trying a high pressure aero system, then you'll definitely want to go mag drive for all of the reasons that Earl has mentioned and more. If you are running true misters, you'll want to look into FloJet Pumps. They are inline and self priming with an integrated check valve. The...