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  1. AeroKing

    no hps?

    Use 42w Red CFLs, as many as you can keep up with the heat and keep them close.
  2. AeroKing

    how dank would this strain be considered?

    Looks very nice, but yield appears to be low. The buds didn't really fill out the stem, maybe some excessive stretch?
  3. AeroKing

    house plant

    Do you have no concerns with security?
  4. AeroKing

    Mylar FTW!

    Really? I've just been using windex wipes and I haven't noticed that. I use alcohol wipes if it's sticky from buds touching it.
  5. AeroKing

    new setup.will this work? im getting mixed answers

    You can flower those out in there. The real problem is that the floros won't penetrate into the canopy very well, so you'll get some pretty spindly shit in there. The buds closest to the lights will be the most dense, and even then, pretty fluffy. But your absolutely will get a payout, just not...
  6. AeroKing

    GH 3 PART feed schedule HELP

    Are you using R.O. or distilled water? Since I've started adding +200-250ppm of Cal-mag to 3 part GH, I've alleviated deficiency problems.
  7. AeroKing

    buds too dry what shal i do?

    That's an interesting storage method. You do this as an alternative to refrigeration?
  8. AeroKing

    TDS Meter Question

    Should also note that nutrient levels are extremely dependent on genetics. Some strains/phenotypes will burn at 600ppm during flowering and some will perform well at upwards of 3000ppm in some systems. You'll also have to compensate if you have hard water. BTW, the seedling stage is a good...
  9. AeroKing

    Seedling Aeroponic nutrient levels

    If you're using R.O. or distilled water, you'll need to add cal-mag or similar. If your water is lower than 200ppm for any reason, adding some nutes will help buffer the PH.
  10. AeroKing

    Mother - Trimming ??

    I've found you only need a growth tip and a couple leaves. Keeping your cuttings small seems to make them root faster and you're more likely to end up with evenly sized plants later. The more growth tips you cut off of the mother, the more she will grow for future cuts. Lower, older branches...
  11. AeroKing

    PPP LST grow - week 5 - PICS!

    I like key rings. You can clip them on, move them around, and remove them very easily.
  12. AeroKing

    8ft x 12ft x 6.5ft tall with pic

    You could def pack more in that room. Have you considered going perpetual?
  13. AeroKing


    You'll grow good weed with the 400w as long as you keep the plants really short. IMO, 1000w is good for 4'x4', but heat becomes a challenge.
  14. AeroKing

    HPS vs CFL in flowering stage

    400w MH in air cooled hood = 4-6" from canopy for me.
  15. AeroKing

    4 inch Tube Aero with Chiller

    Thanks a load. I'm glad you noticed my prodding for this info from earl was getting nowhere. I've seen on some aero systems they use a pump bypass to dial in the pressure (allow excess flow to run directly back into the reservoir). I could see the res temp being lowered by using the pump...
  16. AeroKing

    grow box heat

    Hydro stores. It's a supplement. Add it to your res or your feed water. I don't know if it's really going to help, but it is marketed to do so.
  17. AeroKing

    i just bought 100 dollars worth of glass

    You are using pyrex, right?
  18. AeroKing

    4k hps in 680sq feet, temp problems

    I've heard low night temps cause elongated internode spacing and potentially slow growth. I've not heard of leaves curling, myself.
  19. AeroKing

    grow box heat

    I've heard that silica can help plants cope with heat stess.