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  1. mared juwan

    sugarweed 2nd grow!! hit the dirt

    We want snaps
  2. mared juwan

    Feminized Seeds Hermie Test - 14 strains, which are high risk; frequency; DM Reverse;

    So Hobbes, it sounds like the DM Reverse works awesome. Would you recommend any preemptive strikes on a strain you are growing for the first time? Or would you wait until you know it has a herm history? My Green House girls still looking great BTW....
  3. mared juwan

    Newb Closet Coco Grow, 400w MH+HPS

    Someone told me Arjan's Ultra Haze #3 is supposed to be like #1 but more indica in stature. Was that in your thread? I can't remember. Anyways, I might try that one out. Thanks dude. I always seem to get humongous colas whenever I grow from seed so there should be plenty more action for sure...
  4. mared juwan

    feminized or regular?

    That's good to hear. I have five of their strains from a fem mix pack in week 3 flower right now. One of them is the Cheese. :smile:
  5. mared juwan

    General yellowing of plants

    I don't want to tell you 100% I know what the problem is because I don't even have a pic to go with but if you have been keeping your soil constantly wet then that would eventually become a problem so I imagine things should improve if you just keep lifting the pots and study how the plants...
  6. mared juwan

    feminized or regular?

    There's some debate on this but the general consensus seems to be that with reg seeds you have roughly 50/50 chances of male/female. With fems you get 90+ percent female and the rest hermies. The thing is a hermie might not show until you have invested considerable time and effort into the plant...
  7. mared juwan

    General yellowing of plants

    If the pots are heavy and the soil is wet then more water won't fix the problem. The roots are actually drowning. They need air just as much as they need water. They probably look better for a short while after you water because there is a little bit of fresh oxygen in the water. But if you...
  8. mared juwan

    General yellowing of plants

    OK, most important thing you can do is lift up your pot every day and feel how the weight changes when it is wet or dry. A pot that has just been watered will be very heavy. You want to let it get pretty dry before soaking it again. It should feel almost empty because dry soil weighs next to...
  9. mared juwan

    General yellowing of plants

    How old are your plants exactly? If increasing nutes didn't work and you are experiencing yellowing and drooping then overwatering or a ph imbalance comes to mind.
  10. mared juwan

    Cloning from Fan Leaves

    Actually the pic posted by caregiver does a lot to change my mind. Seeing a growth/bud site coming out of a fan leaf is what I've been waiting for and there we have it. Now the question is whether that can happen to any strain or is it some kind of mutation. So I guess it is possible but is...
  11. mared juwan

    My first grow

    Holy crap, I shoulda checked that other thread before I came here to talk about it LOL. It seems there has been a development. Someone posted the pic I have attached. It shows a budsite in the middle of a fanleaf. This is exactly what I was wondering about. If someone had rooted this particular...
  12. mared juwan

    My first grow

    Looks like a full plant in the picture. So where does it start growing from? The place where all the leaves connect like Jerry said? I know that every single cell of the plant contains all the gene information needed to create a whole new plant, but I'm not sure how the leaf could "know" that...
  13. mared juwan

    Newb Closet Coco Grow, 400w MH+HPS

    Hey guys, just wanted to update on the Green House plants. I know Jerry will be interested. Here's two different angle shots. We're in the middle of week 2 here. These are gonna be some behemoths. Let's go one by one to see the difference. The Cheese - Middle of the pack as far as...
  14. mared juwan

    First grow, bagseed, 400hps, growbox - PICS!!

    If you hold a piece of cardboard or something over the plant to completely block the HPS light and then use the flash on your camera it will make for awesome pics.
  15. mared juwan

    First grow, bagseed, 400hps, growbox - PICS!!

    Looks really good bro. Frosting up well. Just watch the tippy tips of the leaves. If they turn yellow or white then you need to back off a little on nutes. But they're looking great right now. Good job.
  16. mared juwan

    Best possible thing for your plants.

    Hmmm, yes I would like to hear more from Lowender and bicycle racer on this. I was thinking of trying the same thing as BR. I've been using AN for a long time and recently my dro store was out of Overdrive so I tried Ionic Boost instead. Works great for the plants and my wallet. If anything I...
  17. mared juwan

    My first grow

    HUH?!?!?!?!? Please explain more. I've been following another thread for a couple months now where there has been HEATED debate over this. One guy started the thread claiming he could clone an entire new plant from ONLY a fan leaf. After three pages of people saying he was full of sh*t...
  18. mared juwan

    Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow

    I'm scared to plant any of those beans from my GH Sativa mix LOL. Adding anything that takes 14 weeks to flower won't help my space problems. Once I "thin out my herd" and keep only the best strains from the current crop I should have space for at least one of those sativas. I'm thinking...
  19. mared juwan

    COCO Grand Daddy, 600 HPS CO2 Med Grow

    Looks way awesome to me man. Might look the same to your eyes but whatever you did with the camera flash or lighting makes for way better pics. That Bubba Kush looks really really good man. You asked about my Bubba and it actually looks like yours yields quite a bit better than mine. My BK is...
  20. mared juwan

    Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow

    Yo Jer, just gettin 'scribed up here man. What's the deal with the "friend" that wouldn't split the seeds evenly? I remember you mentioning that a while ago. What a dirtbag, I hope you're not helping him learn to grow. I would let that phucker learn on his own LOL.