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  1. Joedank

    A few things Ive leaned:

    I definitely regret losing my sfv cut . The flavor is amazing major bud flop but yum
  2. Joedank

    A few things Ive leaned:

    Baller ! Nice clean setup!frosty as hell looks like a good yeilder
  3. Joedank

    Are These Buds Brown, or Amber?? Is My Harvest Trash or Triumph??

    What is your drying process? Looks like it was too hot or in the sun while drying. High humidity can also remove chlorophyll from drying Cannabis
  4. Joedank

    A few things Ive leaned:

    Great lessons! How did your triangle kush Breeding project turn out? Miss your amazing photos! Happy trails brother
  5. Joedank

    HELP!! Might have to cut early because of frost. What are your thoughts and suggestions? PICS

    Bring them inside at night and put em back out again. Deep cold like 10* can kill them but 25* and up is fine .
  6. Joedank

    Possible 10F degrees on Friday in Northern Colorado

    I have lost tops on 12* nights brown crispy burn from frost 5 years ago . Now I use heaters and a greenhouse... I am at 6300 feet in southern Colorado. Build a pvc frame and run a heater if you can ..,
  7. Joedank

    Thank you Trump!

    And who owns and is leveraging there money on endless growth for these companies? Oh the same fuckers who support our military industry complex. Yes exactly. People who supported slavery were deplorable. People who did not were normal imo
  8. Joedank

    Thank you Trump!

    This is the true gift of the prezidont. It’s like the war between the states again BUT we get to see the hate mongers and money grubbers among us for who they real are . People over profits imo
  9. Joedank

    Chuckers paradise......

    La con x nev haze (my chuck) Urkle x dragonsblood f3 back cross (my chuck ) blood pheno. The end is near for the grow season !
  10. Joedank

    Chuckers paradise......

    So much fire !
  11. Joedank


    Really I am not sure . It is pretty mutatated I would smoke it if it has crystals
  12. Joedank


    I am gonna guess herbicide got in the soil . I have never seen anything like that!
  13. Joedank

    Why can't we all just be friends?

    Y’all got too much time on your hands . Fuck the government.
  14. Joedank

    Chuckers paradise......

    What I meant was is he still doing the original fireballs cross fire alien kush came out so much . I have been in contact with @BobBitchen but I think my fireballs x lemon cookies might have been the first chuck on the balls . After gen sent me his cut . I still have tons of those seeds if...
  15. Joedank

    Chuckers paradise......

    You still breeding those fireballs? I could use a few more of those seeds lol and side chick and demo and ...everything your working on. Guess it’s time to make an order
  16. Joedank

    First grow. 14 weeks from seed. How are they looking and how much longer? (PICS)

    I live at 7000 feet a frost can quickly destroy my crop.
  17. Joedank

    First grow. 14 weeks from seed. How are they looking and how much longer? (PICS)

    2 to 3 more weeks if you got that long before frost.
  18. Joedank

    Chuckers paradise......

    Fireballs smells like gas and gummy bearsfireballs x lemon cookies smells like lemon drops candy and oregano lol. Can’t wait to puff on these !
  19. Joedank

    What did you accomplish today?

    That is called facadation. It’s pretty common and can yeild quite well