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  1. Dragonsflamegenetics

    Dragons Flame Genetics - 2023 Breeder Log

    Haole moonshine #3 holding seeds of the cherry pie mod mac moonshine males. Purpling one is in soil. solid green is RDWC
  2. Dragonsflamegenetics

    Dragons Flame Genetics - 2023 Breeder Log

    Blackberry moonshine bx1 - clearly seeded up by the cherry pie x modifed macberry moonshine male pollen. week 5. In the RDWC system
  3. Dragonsflamegenetics

    Dragons Flame Genetics - 2023 Breeder Log

    Cherry pie x Modified Macberry Moonshine Seed plant #1 - Female
  4. Dragonsflamegenetics

    Dragons Flame Genetics - 2023 Breeder Log

    cherry pie x modified macberry moonshines I moved into flower to replace the failed reversal..
  5. Dragonsflamegenetics

    Dragons Flame Genetics - 2023 Breeder Log

    Week 3 now in flower - jungle status for sure.
  6. Dragonsflamegenetics

    Dragons Flame Genetics - 2023 Breeder Log

    I gave the reversal a few more days while the male cherry pie x mod moonshine males setup their flowers....a ton more sacks on the reversal opened - no pollen. So, they officially got chopped down, and we are officially a go with making regulars off the cherry pie x mod mac moonshine males. I...
  7. Dragonsflamegenetics

    Dragons Flame Genetics - 2023 Breeder Log

    the mod mac moonshine reversal has started heavily opening pollen sacks...and again....for the 3rd attempt, even using the elite hybritech pollen. So... Cherry pie x modified macberry moonshine males have been moved in to flower.
  8. Dragonsflamegenetics

    Dragons Flame Genetics - 2023 Breeder Log

    Well, been a very busy week. my lady and I drove to san deigo with my inlaws and were gone from the grow for 9 days. Always nerve racking being away from the garden...and this 9 days was the longest I have left a garden unattended. I generally always have been married to my grows as well, and...
  9. Dragonsflamegenetics

    The Dragons 2022 adventures.

    hey bud! Dragons Flame Genetics - 2023 Breeder Log | Page 3 | Rollitup is the new active thread :) Matchmaker is great guy, and has a true passion for plant and everything of his Ive smoked has been quality
  10. Dragonsflamegenetics

    Dragons Flame Genetics - 2023 Breeder Log

    Hope everyone is having an amazing 420 filled with some top shelf smoke! Ive been having a ball down in san diego this week for my birthday and for 420.