Search results

  1. cynicallyoptimistic

    NV: Brother of marijuana activist placed on supervised release

    Jeff German | Las Vegas Review-Journal
  2. cynicallyoptimistic

    NV: Case against medical marijuana defendants receives stay by judge

    Francis McCabe | LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL | Sep. 30, 2011
  3. cynicallyoptimistic

    NV: 4-acre marijuana field found on Mount Charleston

    Jackie Valley | Las Vegas Sun | Aug. 24, 2011
  4. cynicallyoptimistic

    NV: Med-pot champion lands plum political gig

    Jason Whited | Las Vegas CityLife | Jul. 19, 2011
  5. cynicallyoptimistic

    Marijuana Advocate, Family Accept Plea Bargains In Federal Case

    Carri Geer Thevenot | Las Vegas Review-Journal | June 30, 2011
  6. cynicallyoptimistic

    Case Shines Light On Medical Marijuana Law

    Dave Toplikar | Las Vegas Sun | June 22, 2011
  7. cynicallyoptimistic

    Do You Believe In Ghosts?

    Nope. The only ghost I have even seen has been on a teevee I owned a long time ago.
  8. cynicallyoptimistic

    NV: Senate Bill 336

    Cy Ryan | Las Vegas Sun | June 4, 2011
  9. cynicallyoptimistic

    Plan Would Send Medical Marijuana Money to Drug Treatment Program

    Geoff Dornan | Nevada Appeal | May 1, 2011
  10. cynicallyoptimistic

    Obama's Taking Questions on Facebook & Answering Them on 4/20

    Obama was the better choice to be sure. Considering the playing field at the time most thinking people made that choice. Unfortunately, he didn't turn out to be so great. The packaging changed but the contents inside basically stayed the same. That's a change but not the one that voters were...
  11. cynicallyoptimistic

    Obama's Taking Questions on Facebook & Answering Them on 4/20

    Aldous Huxley to President Obama: "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." Change we can believe in? Sure it is and it's safe to let a fox watch over a chicken coup.
  12. cynicallyoptimistic

    R.I.P. Pot Reform

    Conformity cuts both ways. The lawmakers that are getting in the way of getting things done in this state need to conform to the mindset of the 65% who voted and approved Question 9. The mindset the cannabis activist/lobbyist is trying to appeal to has been educated on the subject of cannabis...
  13. cynicallyoptimistic

    R.I.P. Pot Reform

    Jason Whited | Las Vegas CityLife | April 14, 2011
  14. cynicallyoptimistic

    More Raids in Vegas

    Valerie Miller | Review Journal | April 15, 2011
  15. cynicallyoptimistic

    Snuffed out? Legalize It. Don't Criticize It.

    Jason Whited | 04-08-11 | Las Vegas City Life
  16. cynicallyoptimistic

    This Is Sickening. Fuck The D.E.A

    "Five years of Prohibition have had, at least, this one benign effect: they have completely disposed of all the favorite arguments of the Prohibitionists. None of the great boons and usufructs that were to follow the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment has come to pass. There is not less...
  17. cynicallyoptimistic

    Nevada Prop AB 438

    I posted this article a few days ago.
  18. cynicallyoptimistic

    Looking for Help in Southern NV

    Thought this article about WeedMaps might be of interest...
  19. cynicallyoptimistic

    Federal Government Acknowledges Medicinal Benefits of Cannabis!

    Governmental Intelligence is an oxymoron. The same government that once deemed ketchup as a vegetable, claimed WMD were in Iraq, claimed the surge was working, claimed god was on their side, and said that the former all-knowing almighty Commander Guy is one of the greatest leaders of all time...
  20. cynicallyoptimistic


    fuck misogyny