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  1. hawse

    600w hps 4 strain grow issues, need help please!

    That looks a whole lot like the unknown lemon strain that I like and grow a lot... It throws nanners and seeds frequently too, but the smoke is killer and I always have a few seeds to grow out later... Not a big deal for me at all.. Also maybe some heat stress there? Might be reason for the...
  2. hawse

    Nukeheads bad business practices

    Deleted my posts, not the vibe I intended and just pissing people off...
  3. hawse

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    I wondered about that too - I noticed the big new bottle of Herc was much thinner than what was coming out of the bottom of my QT's and the end which was very frothy... And I shake them really hard each time...
  4. hawse

    Chuckers paradise......

    Hey just found this chuckers thread, here's my latest: Ayahuasca Purple (Barneys) crossed with a really hardy unknown bag seed that leans sativa dom with a nice body buzz too. Also, FWIW, although Ayahuasca purple is branded Indica, I swear this strain is half sativa in heritage at least...
  5. hawse

    Hate to show my plants like this but

    Yeah it does look a lot like nute issue/burn
  6. hawse

    Hate to show my plants like this but

    Hard to say, but to me my first thought was heat issues. Maybe a salt build-up too? What are you feeding, ph etc...? I see curled up leaves on the sides, which makes me think heat/light burn. But I also see curled up leaf tips and burnt leaves, so probably needs a good flush... Also could be...
  7. hawse

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    Thanks! And great tips, I will say I noticed that as well I was spilling it everywhere! And after spending money on it, I don't really need to fertilize the floor ha ha.
  8. hawse

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    OK great thanks very much, that actually makes sense to me! Just bought a gallon of Herc and a bottle of Demeters, Athenas, and Aphrodietes to add to the line up for the next run. Just fed 1/2 strength as you suggested and then will begin the ripen phase...
  9. hawse

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    Thanks, exactly what I was looking for. Yeah, on the two that I'm unsure about, trichs are super milky, but no amber. No clear that I can see though. I'm just used to waiting for the flowers to swell and the pistils to receed first before starting the end game, and these still have a lot of...
  10. hawse

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    Ok thanks, good info. I have a question too - on the one that looks like it needs a bit longer, the first picture on the left is a first time grow on an unknown cross, should I just do the flush thing with 2 tbsp per gallon Herc from here out? I'm guessing two weeks to go still probably... I'm...
  11. hawse

    Are we there yet?

    Yeah I would guess maybe two weeks to go or so. What are you feeding right now just curious. Also I sometimes will adjust my light schedule to 11/13 to make the days even shorter and help those stubborn flowers mature...
  12. hawse

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    Just a quick update - I'm on day two of week eight. Two of my girls are almost done with one I could cut down now, but usually wait at least another week. The other third one is still kinda holding on to those green leaves and pistils, although the bud fattening is starting to slow. I've been...
  13. hawse

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    Yeah man, I chronically under nute it seems... So afraid to over do.
  14. hawse

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    Signs that I'm overdoing it if I push next feeding? I'm at 1 tsp Medusa, 2tsp Gaia, 1 tsp Zeus, 3 tablespoons Herc right now, about to feed with some Tiger Bloom next time as a tea/earthworm casting/bat guano supplement... Can I just add all that in along with the other 4, or does the tea need...
  15. hawse

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    So good to know, I was thinking of buying some bamboo. Right now I use a tomato cage that I bent and twisted around till it fit right...
  16. hawse

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    Ok, yeah I remember reading that about the meters. Might explain the lower ppms, considering they really don't look THAT deficient (but you did't see the janky fan leaves I trimmed. I've seen much worse from lockout, but it was starting to work it's way up so I hope this fixed that. It's just...
  17. hawse

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    Thanks, honestly I'm not sure what kind my ppm meter is. aquaPro brand HM digital. On the back is shows water purity going through 500 on a little sticker, so I'm guessing 500? Also, that 450 was just the PPMs of the water going in.. Yeah I'll up it.
  18. hawse

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    Here's how the one in question looks. I trimmed off a couple of the more spotty leaves, but you can see a little brown near the bottom... Overall not worried, just want to make sure they fatten up like they should.
  19. hawse

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    Yeah day 41 flower, these girls are hungry I think... Still showing slight signs of deficiencies, little brown spots on the mid leaves, upper growth is still fine.. Buds are pretty huge, I think they must just be big eaters... Ph was 6.5. I've been using the simple formula more or less. Backed...
  20. hawse

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    Slurry question - the materials I read said use 2oz of soil and 2oz of 7ph water. But it also says use equal amounts by volume, which are not the same thing... I weighed it out, and two ounces of soil compared to 2oz of water are not the same volume... Just how thick should this slurry be? I'm...