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  1. Benassi

    Incredible 8 Year Old Wrestler

    Someone put this on my facebook the other day. Holy fucking shit that kid is beast! Hello future in UFC
  2. Benassi

    [How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

    Essentially yes, you can do this. People I talk with have actually made extraction tubes with valves to trap the liquid butane in for maximum exposure time, however... compared to a quick run of butane the quality will be significantly less. Plus there's really no reason to keep stripping away...
  3. Benassi

    [How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

    I figured you were in a BHO coma hahahaha I'm trying to step it up and make some supgee style BHO runs but don't need to make so much at once. Plus I like different oils and strains. The vacuum purge I found to make my oil taste WAY better than anything I've ever made. Every dab is like a...
  4. Benassi

    [How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

    You want the frostiest shit you can find. Because that creates the best quality and best yield. The less trich coverage the the less oil I find... as butane extracts a little differently then anything else. Actually, after you run the buds through tane it doesn't even look like it extracted...
  5. Benassi

    [How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

    This is straight up honey hash oil. It's intended use is for smoking but it can VERY easily be melted down into medibles as well. Even easier than cannabutter. You can melt this down right in your pyrex with a double boiler method and mix milk chocolate right into the BHO. The heat will activate...
  6. Benassi

    Joe Rogen Is My Hero

    Hell yeah it did! I want one of his deprivation tanks!
  7. Benassi

    [How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

    I probably should have... but seeing as how little people on this forum deal with BHO, I figured I'd put it in a section where I know some people get down on it. RIU needs a damn Hash & Oil section... I can mod it! =P
  8. Benassi

    [How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

    I trust myself not to drop the stainless steel tube a lot more than I trust plastic compounds contaminating my oil from pvc. Still searching for a good glass extraction tube.
  9. Benassi

    [How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

    I edited my original post with the equipment I love and hate the sweats. I love it because I know that I'm going to be retarded in a few minutes... but I hate the feeling of coughing up nothing an gasping for air hahahahahaha
  10. Benassi

    [How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

    Yes my extraction method is known as the BBBSSTB AKA the Bed BAth & Beyond Stainless Steel Turkey Baster :lol: Actually one of the best tubes around online for only $9.99 :) Doing a bigger run? Buy multiple turkey basters and rig them together side by side
  11. Benassi

    [How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

    Went ape shit on an oil extravaganza today and figured what better way to show the goods then to show people how to make liquid gold at the same time! :clap: So here we are... first off. My butane honey oil vacuum purge technique (in 1080p) :clap: za26ntAaeWc This video was, surprisingly, at...
  12. Benassi

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    Yes! 10char
  13. Benassi

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    If its poundage of trim go for ice water hash and try your luck. If its stupid dumb frosty then try your luck with BHO. You'll get at least ~7-9% with regular trim, if it's AMAZING then maybe around ~13-15% yield
  14. Benassi

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    I've never made hash, and even the hash my buddies make up north is never bomb full melt. If I want hash, I want it to look like this. Bomb ass mutha' fuckin' Full Melt hash. Amazing taste and perfect amount of melting. But the teks to make that hash is the same tek my friends use who come out...
  15. Benassi

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    Hahahaha sweet jesus tits that sounds delicious and amazing. Send some my way! 21g buds went to oil. I save ~7gs of trainwreck for the Volcano and the eighth of Fire OG was for me to smoke. 21g in; 3.2 out. Around ~16% If sold at LA clinic prices for the quality, I'm sitting on about $165...
  16. Benassi

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    In LA area where I'm at it's 60 an eighth too. I just finally found a great priced connect. In other news... Oill 100% complete and stable. Trainwreck honey Berry White x OG oil I'M FUCKING HIGH
  17. Benassi

    Just Bought a New Bong!

    Looks sweet but also looks cheap. Be really careful washing that thing... Nice design though
  18. Benassi

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    Just picked up my supply for making oil today. Half oz Trainwreck for $50 Half oz Berry White x OG underbuds and frost trim $50 Eighth of Fire OG for $30 31.5g for $130 See you guys in a few hours with gobs of gooey errl and taffy!
  19. Benassi

    Anyone ever use that legal herb stufff called like K-2?

    Oh my Christ how many of these K-2 threads do we get in a single 24 hour period? :wall::wall:
  20. Benassi

    Holy Fucking Shit.......Seriously...

    Goo job dude, you were able to creep me out...