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  1. picorossco

    Bug problem:need advice

    i had the same prob mate! i made chicken wire wraps and lids to stop bigger animals,(fucking hedge hogs tuck a real liking to my plants) then used fine mesh like mosquito netting to stop small ones! make sure its something that wont block the light. doing this gave them enough time to get big...
  2. picorossco

    growing in spain

    costa blanca mate! growing in massive olive tree pots(the pots they come in when delivered from the garden centres). its right down the end of the garden so there is a lot of vegetation here, sounds like you need to get some sort of bug spray on yours!
  3. picorossco

    lowryders burnt ?

    yeah nice off them all! the black widow was a lot stronger, almost kerosene smell and the first joint knocked me on ma ass, not smoked for week then had a fat j of that, i was not expecting it to have grown too well as that was my first ever grow lol
  4. picorossco

    lowryders burnt ?

    nice! i grew b-52 when in england, nice yeilds with that! also grew black widow and bubbleicous, fucking blackwidow went mental lol ended up just under 8 feet tall lol
  5. picorossco

    lowryders burnt ?

    i would if i was growing indoors! its outside in spain, all i can do is move them so they have some direct sunlight,(about 5-6 hours) then the rest of the day in the shade but even then the temps here have been 35 in the shade! you seen jorge cervantes grow dvd #2? ppl on there are growing all...
  6. picorossco

    lowryders burnt ?

    thanks for the replys to all as well! i reckon its nute burn too now, thinking about it they were fine till i added some nutes! i have read lowryders dont need nutes! whats everyone reckon?
  7. picorossco

    lowryders burnt ?

    they are just under a month now, i reckon the heat has stunned the growth! the one that has more patches, burn, whatever you want to call it has just started flowering, you cant see the pistils because they are so small, it only started showing pistils a few day ago now! like weezer said to me...
  8. picorossco

    growing in spain

    Note to anyone growing in Spain! If you are growing outside in Spain take precautions to insects eating your seedlings (dont learn the hard way like me)! Crickets are a pain in the ass and ants can course problems too, cover young plants with a fine mesh (like mosqito mesh)! Chicken wire will be...
  9. picorossco

    lowryders burnt ?

    Can anyone help with this? Got what i think is burn from the exessive heat here, i have used a very mild nute with a small amount of bloom as they have just started flowering! The heat where the plants are is way over but i cant do anything about it apart from move them into the shade! One plant...
  10. picorossco

    lowryder 2 outdoor

    oh yeah! they have only been out the soil for 19 days but still like you say they are small, or atleast compared to the pics i have seen of other ppls lowryders! and thanks for the reply anyway mate
  11. picorossco

    lowryder 2 outdoor

    yeah i know it aint good but i dont have much choice but to grow them in this place! i live in spain and it is legal to grow for personal consumtion but i am currently living with my brother and his missis and his missis is a right fucking wet lettuce when it comes to drugs (even though i have...
  12. picorossco

    lowryder 2 outdoor

    Its been a good few days now and the lil ladies (i hope) are looking a lil happier, here are some pics, the first 2 are 14 days from planting the seeds and the second pics are 23 days from planting the seed! Its been slow going but i think its because they are outside and the temperatures where...
  13. picorossco

    My pot movie

    nice grow man, genuinely shitting myself for you when the choppa came so low! keep on tokin
  14. picorossco

    new to outside and my lowryder #2s look pitiful, pics @day 11

    hi to all fellow growers! new on here and finding all your tips and info adding to my lacking experience :? done a few grows indoors(black widow, bubbleicous, b-52) just started some lowryder #2 outside and waiting for a mix of seeds from lowlife(excited about those)! anyway, im new to outside...