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  1. B

    First time DWC!

    My tap water is 7 ph and around 22 ppm
  2. B

    First time DWC!

    Using only the Gh 3 part , cal/mg and Gh pro roots atm ( got a bit of that fish shit also)
  3. B

    First time DWC!
  4. B

    10 years since last grow! DWC, already in trouble!:D

    Hello guys! Growing weed, need help! My setup : Seeds - Critical x Amnesia and UK Cheese (Free seed) Dwc - Two 7 gallon buckets / 4 air stones in each bucket Light - 200W LED light during veg / 400W HPS during flower and will probably use the 200W aswell (no?) Nutes - GH Grow-micro-flower...
  5. B

    First time DWC!

    Thanks man. Iam on it.
  6. B

    First time DWC!

    Maby i should just quit giving them the fish shit it stinks.. And will probably algea it up like an aquarium.
  7. B

    First time DWC!

    The pH is currently 7.2 , I put them in yesterday at 6.5 pH. Fish force is like fish shit.
  8. B

    First time DWC!

    Forgot to mention the jiffy plug is stil in there, could it be drowning?
  9. B

    First time DWC!

    This is my first dwc, started them in a jiffy plug. Now both have gotten the same start and same nutrients but one is starting to yellow, do you guys know what it is? Nutrients at 100 ppm Gh nutes and fish force. They are of different strains.